Shocking abuse of pigs and piglets captured on video at an SA piggery

WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: Animal rights activists have recorded shocking abuse and conditions on video and more than 800 photos inside a piggery north of Adelaide.

Secret video and images captured by Animal Liberation and distributed through like-groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shows the horrible treatment of adult pigs and piglets at the Yalmah farm near Hamley Bridge.

Scenes show workers kicking, hitting and riding adult swine.

Activists also claim workers held down piglets as they squealed in agony while their ears were cut without pain relief.

Pigglets left dead among living siblings. Source: Animal Liberation
Pigglets left dead among living siblings. Source: Animal Liberation

Other images show sick and dead pigs and piglets left to rot among the living while wild cats attack and eat the carcasses.

Some pigs hobble about their sties, their legs maimed and disfigured.

In one scene, workers make their way through the shed, throwing dead piglet after dead piglet from more than a dozen separate pigpens into a bin.

Dead pigs and piglets are left to rot and be picked at by wild cats, according to Animal Liberation.
Dead pigs and piglets are left to rot and be picked at by wild cats, according to Animal Liberation.

The piggery owner refused to speak to 7 News today but the farm continued to operate with workers coming and going.

The RSCPA said it would review the video and picture evidence as part of an ongoing investigation.

Ag-gag laws - designed to ban animal activists from secretly recording the goings-on inside animal farms - have been introduced in a number of states and the federal parliament, but the were defeated in South Australia in 2014.