Senator divides with X-rated joke in parliament: 'I apologise'

Senator Jane Hume admitted she 'lost herself for a moment' while speaking to her colleague.

Senator Jane Hume (left) and Joe Longo (right) smiling at each other in parliament.
Senator Jane Hume made an X-rated remark to Joe Longo in parliament on Tuesday morning which some found inappropriate. Source: X

An off-the-cuff remark by a senator at parliament on Tuesday morning has divided Aussies, with some believing it was simply light-hearted banter between colleagues while others thought it was "gross".

Senator for Victoria Jane Hume was welcoming Australian Securities and Investment Commission chairman Joe Longo when she addressed the fact the pair usually meet in a less formal environment.

"Every time I see Mr Longo now it seems to be at the gym on Saturday mornings so I apologise for the lycra," she said. He begins to respond before she adds, "Less worthy men have seen me in far less."

Longo responds by saying he wanted to "reassure the committee" that he wasn't the one wearing lycra when the pair bump into one another at the gym. Realising what she's said, Hume stops with a shocked expression on her face, clearly taken aback by her remark.

"Sorry I completely forgot myself for a moment," she said.

The room broke with laughter and she quickly moved on to discuss "something serious" and proceeded with the matter at hand.

Senator Jane Hume gasping in shock at her remark.
Senator Jane Hume was visibly shocked by her own comment. Source: X

Footage of the exchange was shared on social media and the reaction has been divided. Many "delighted" at the remark, calling it "refreshing banter" between colleagues.

"Utterly delightful. The reality of day-to-day life and a refreshing banter," one Aussie wrote, while another admitted they were "actually warming to her" after viewing the exchange between Hume and Longo.

However, others weren't convinced, deeming it inappropriate and a way to "completely discredit yourself in one sentence".

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