‘Scared’: Kidnapper’s daughter’s ongoing fear

Roman Heinze was found guilty of kidnapping and assault. Picture: 60 Minutes
Roman Heinze was found guilty of kidnapping and assault. Picture: 60 Minutes

The daughter of Australia’s “Salt Creek monster”, Roman Heinze, says she fears for her safety when her father is eventually released from jail.

Heinze is serving a minimum 17-year prison term for kidnapping and assaulting two backpackers at Salt Creek in February 2016.

Roman Heinze was sentenced for kidnapping and assaulting two backpackers. Picture: 60 Minutes
Roman Heinze was sentenced for kidnapping and assaulting two backpackers. Picture: 60 Minutes

His 36-year-old daughter, Kendehl, said she’s still trying to reconcile the man who was found guilty of those heinous crimes with the man she knew as her father.

“I remember watching two police officers and they you know they were putting him to the ground and put his head into the sand and that was enough I guess, when he got up, which was enough that I then realised it was dad,” Kendehl told 60 Minutes on Sunday.

Kendehl said she’s had a difficult relationship with her father since he’s been in jail.

She’s even been on the receiving end of some nasty letters written by her father to her with alleged threats.

Kendehl says she’s afraid of her father being released from jail. Picture: 60 Minutes
Kendehl says she’s afraid of her father being released from jail. Picture: 60 Minutes

“I’ll probably never ever, ever get the answer that I would hope for,” Kendehl said.

“I’m really scared that dad’s going to come after me when he gets out.

“I got told to watch my back, that there was people that were going to come after me

that Dad knew.

“I got told by people that knew Dad.

“They told me to watch my back, that Dad you know, Dad would sort me out when he gets out

of jail.

“That he was going to come after me. And so I’m scared to be in my own town, that something

could happen to me.“

Kendehl said she’s trying to rectify with the fact she’ll never get the answers she’d hope to get from her father.

“I just feel that he needs to properly say he’s sorry,” she said.

Roman Heinze was arrested by police over the kidnappings. Picture: 60 Minutes
Roman Heinze was arrested by police over the kidnappings. Picture: 60 Minutes

“(It’s) mixed emotions, everyday. You know, trying to, you know, it’s the, yes, I love my dad, but I hate the fact that he’s in there, that he’s not here for my kids. He is missing so much.

“He’s my dad. You know? I learnt so much from him, you know? Everyone, yes, deserves a

second chance, you know?

“So, I guess I’ve learnt to forgive him for what he’s done and I don’t forgive that easy.

“But I felt that I’d lost my best friend.”

Heinze was found guilty in the Supreme Court of six offences over the attack in 2016, including aggravated kidnapping, causing harm with intent to cause harm, assault, endangering life and indecent assault.

He was sentenced to 22-years behind bars, and must spend a minimum 17 years in jail.