Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – August 5 2020

A change of mind…

The planet of the mind, Mercury, is changing signs today. Wherever Mercury goes, our attention follows. Here’s what Mercury’s move today means for you…
Here’s some good news, if you feel like you’ve had just about all you can take. You’re due a break! The intensity of the past few weeks is about to ease off. The people around you are about to ease off. You no longer have to consider face dark and/or scary facts every time you open your mouth. If you’ve spend the past few weeks tackling intense issues until your head hurts, pat yourself on the back and move on. It’s time to think about all that you’ve learned – this is the start of a four week period when exchanging ideas with others will expand your mind and teach you all kinds of amazing things about yourself and The World We Live In. If you’re about to head off on a journey, you are in perfect timing with the Cosmos. It could be a trip which really opens your mind to the word beyond your backyard. Ditto if you’re about to start a course of study or self-improvement. It’s like someone’s showing you a new area in your brain which you never used before.

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