New safety gates installed underneath the Ambassador Bridge

New safety gates have been installed on the underside of the span of the Ambassador Bridge as a safety measure.  (Michael Evans/CBC - image credit)
New safety gates have been installed on the underside of the span of the Ambassador Bridge as a safety measure. (Michael Evans/CBC - image credit)

If you've taken a close look at the Ambassador Bridge lately, you may have noticed a new feature.

A new set of fencing and safety gates have been added to multiple sections across the span on the underside of the bridge.

While the Canada Border Services Agency declined to comment, the Detroit International Bridge Company said the gates were installed in the late fall as an additional safety and security measure.

The Detroit International Bridge Company says new gates were installed during the fall as a safety measure.
The Detroit International Bridge Company says new gates were installed during the fall as a safety measure.

The Detroit International Bridge Company says new gates were installed during the fall as a safety measure. (Michael Evans/CBC)

"This was a recommendation by our outside bridge inspection group during their 2023 bridge inspection as additional safety and security," said Randy Spader, vice-president of operations for the Detroit International Bridge Company.

Each of the gates goes across a portion of pipping on the underside of the bridge and includes a locked gate that provides access if needed.

The bridge company says the gates have been added as a safety measure
The bridge company says the gates have been added as a safety measure

The bridge company says the gates have been added as a safety measure (Michael Evans/CBC)