Surfers survive great white shark attack

Three surfers who had a close encounter with a great white shark off the South Australian coast yesterday has been undeterred by the attack and returned to the water this morning.

Andrew McLeod, 35, and two of his mates were surfing 2km off the coast of Elliston, on Eyre Peninsula, when the great white made its move yesterday morning.

Mr McLeod said he was paddling on his board when he was hit from below by the shark.

"Out of nowhere a massive impact like a car crash came from underneath me," he said.

"I swam back over to my board and the pointer was still hanging around and I could see its tail fin, it was about four or five foot high."

Surfer Andrew McLeod shows the huge chunk that was taken out of his board by the monster shark. Photo: FIRST ON 7
Surfer Andrew McLeod shows the huge chunk that was taken out of his board by the monster shark. Photo: FIRST ON 7

He estimated the great white to be about 4.5 metres long.

It even left two bite marks on his board, along with some blood stains.

He and his mates bunched together and waited anxiously for the next wave to take them to shore while the shark circled.

“Probably the most full-on situation I’ve seen with sharks,” Tyrone Swann said.

And the incident has not deterred the group from the water.

When a 7News journalist made the trip to the Eyre Peninsula to speak with them today, she received a voicemail saying they had gone out surfing and would be back in a few hours.