Royal news - latest: Meghan Markle wins defamation lawsuit against half-sister Samantha

Meghan Markle has won a defamation lawsuit filed against her by her half-sister Samantha Markle.

The duchess had been accused by her relative of spreading “malicious lies” during an explosive 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey and alleged statements to journalists in 2020.

But on Thursday a Florida judge dismissed the lawsuit, saying that Markle’s statements were pure opinion and “not capable of being proved false”.

In other news, the King has told Ukrainians “I’m praying for you” on his visit to Germany after condemning the “unimaginable suffering” caused by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of their homeland.

Charles met families who escaped to Germany after he praised the nation’s “courageous, important and appreciated” decision to send “significant” military support to Ukraine, delivering the first speech by a British monarch to the German Bundestag.

“The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has inflicted the most unimaginable suffering on so many innocent people”, he told the chamber.

“Countless lives have been destroyed; freedom and human dignity have been trampled in the most brutal way. The security of Europe has been threatened, together with our democratic values.”

Elsewhere at Tegel Airport, the King met recently arrived Ukrainians. To date, more than a million have sought refuge in Germany.

Key Points

  • Meghan Markle wins defamation lawsuit against half-sister Samantha as Florida judge dismisses case

  • Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace ‘withheld’ information about historic phone hacking

  • King Charles receives rousing standing ovation after delivering historic Bundestag address

  • War in Ukraine has inflicted the “most unimaginable suffering”, King Charles says

Meghan Markle wins defamation lawsuit against half-sister Samantha as Florida judge dismisses case

07:34 , Peony Hirwani

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has emerged victorious from a defamation lawsuit filed against her by her half-sister Samantha Markle.

The actor and estranged royal had been accused by her relative of spreading “malicious lies” during an explosive 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey and alleged statements to journalists in 2020.

But on Thursday a Florida judge dismissed the lawsuit, saying that Ms Markle’s statements were pure opinion and “not capable of being proved false”.

Io Dodds reports:

Meghan Markle wins defamation lawsuit against her half-sister Samantha

WATCH LIVE: King Charles welcomed by Hamburg mayor as he arrives

15:00 , Kate Ng

King Charles’ watercolour paintings to go on display at Sandringham

14:00 , Kate Ng

More than 40 watercolours painted by King Charles III are to be displayed in an exhibition at Sandringham House in Norfolk.

The collection, featuring interpretations of British landscapes and royal residences, will be put on view in the ballroom at the estate.

The exhibition contains a range of scenes painted in the Welsh hills, the highlands of Scotland and at Windsor Castle, Highgrove, Birkhall Castle and the surrounding Norfolk countryside at Sandringham.

Read more below:

King Charles’ watercolour paintings to go on display at Sandringham

William and Kate ‘considering Prince George role’ at coronation

13:00 , Kate Ng

Prince George might be given an official role at his grandfather’s coronation on Saturday 6 May, it has been reported.

The Prince and Princess of Wales are said to be considering whether their eldest child, nine-year-old George, and second in line to the throne, should be included in the congregation at Westminster Abbey.

It has also been said that Camilla’s five grandchildren, may have a role in the coronation.

Ellie Muir has the story:

William and Kate ‘considering Prince George role’ at coronation

Meghan Markle shares ‘famous’ cake recipe in chef José Andrés’ new cookbook

12:00 , Kate Ng

Meghan Markle has shared one of her signature cake recipes in chef José Andrés’ newest cookbook.

Earlier this week, Penguin Random House announced that the Spanish chef’s nonprofit World Central Kitchen would be releasing its first book, The World Central Kitchen Cookbook: Feeding Humanity, Feeding Hope, which is set to come out in September 2023. The publisher also noted the cookbook will feature recipes from some famous faces, including the Duchess of Sussex’s recipe for her Lemon Oil Cake.

My colleague Amber Raiken reports:

Meghan Markle shares ‘famous’ cake recipe in chef José Andrés’ new cookbook

Harry and Meghan Frogmore eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans to slim down monarchy

11:00 , Kate Ng

King Charles III has put into motion his plan to slim down the monarchy, with the eviction of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from Frogmore Cottage signalling “just the start”, it has been reported.

The monarch, who is set to be crowned alongside Queen Consort Camilla in just six weeks, reportedly wishes to end subsidised rents for members of the royal family over the next five years.

Get the whole story below:

Harry and Meghan eviction ‘just the start’ of King Charles’ plans for monarchy

WATCH LIVE: King Charles arrives at Berlin train station ahead of Hamburg visit

10:05 , Kate Ng

Meghan Markle wins Gracie Award for her Archetypes podcast

09:30 , Kate Ng

The Duchess of Sussex has received a Gracie Award for her work on her Archetypes podcast.

The 48th annual Gracie Awards honoured Meghan Markle as one of its digital media national winners for her Spotify podcast, which sees her speaking to various famous women about the stereotypes they face.

Get the full story below:

Meghan Markle wins Gracie Award for her Archetypes podcast

Prince Harry claims Buckingham Palace ‘withheld’ information about historic phone hacking for ‘long time’

09:00 , Peony Hirwani

The Duke of Sussex has accused the royal family of withholding information from him about phone hacking because they did not want him to bring a claim as it would “open a can of worms”.

In a witness statement submitted before his civil claim against Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers, Prince Harry said that he was conditioned to accept his family’s rule to “never complain, never explain” when dealing with the press.

Thomas Kingsley reports.

Duke says royal family ‘without doubt’ withheld phone hacking information from him

Oprah weighs in on Harry and Meghan attending King Charles’ coronation

08:30 , Peony Hirwani

Oprah Winfrey has weighed in on speculation as to whether the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend King Charles III’s coronation this May.

“I think they should do what they feel is best for them,” the television host said.

Oprah weighs in on Harry and Meghan attending King Charles’ coronation

Succession’s Brian Cox says Meghan’s marriage into royal family is a ‘fairytale gone horribly wrong’

08:00 , Peony Hirwani

Brian Cox has claimed that Meghan Markle’s marriage into the royal family is a “fairytale that went horribly wrong”.

In a new interview with the Radio Times, the Succession star said that he understood why Meghan was attracted to marrying into the royal family, due to its “fairytale” image.

Ellie Muir reports.

Brian Cox says Meghan’s royal marriage is a ‘fairytale gone horribly wrong’

Prince Harry has begun his ‘life’s work’ – by turning up in court when he didn’t need to be there

07:00 , Eleanor Noyce

“The very best satire has a remarkable knack for changing absolutely nothing. Harry and Meghan were made to look so perfectly absurd by South Park’s “Worldwide Privacy Tour” episode that the California-based campaigners have evidently concluded that they have been left with little choice but to carry on precisely as normal.

“The Worldwide Privacy Tour made an unexpected stop in London on Monday morning, when Prince Harry arrived at the High Court to attend a preliminary hearing in one of his many legal actions against an extremely large section of the British newspaper industry.

“He didn’t need to be there. He wasn’t required to participate in any way in the hearing. But the act of taking everyone by surprise by actually turning up is certainly the prince’s first big shot in what he told Tom Bradby was going to be his “life’s work” from now on: that of holding the press to account.”

Tom Peck writes:

Prince Harry has begun his ‘life’s work’, apparently | Tom Peck

Meadows to be established at historic English sites to mark King’s coronation

06:00 , Eleanor Noyce

One hundred wildflower meadows are to be created or enhanced at historic sites across England including Stonehenge and Westminster’s Jewel Tower in celebration of the King‘s coronation.

English Heritage said the project would leave a natural legacy by working to restore the country’s lost flower-rich glasslands, in tribute to Charles‘s love of the natural world.

Some 97% of the UK’s meadows have disappeared since the 1930s, with many remaining fragments left unprotected.

Seventy-five of the meadows will be brand new and 25 are existing ones which will be developed.

English Heritage’s chosen locations include 43 castles and forts, 22 abbeys and priories and 10 historic houses.

Whitby Abbey in Yorkshire, Queen Victoria’s former home Osborne on the Isle of Wight and Tintagel Castle in Cornwall are among them.

At the world-famous prehistoric stone circle Stonehenge in Wiltshire, a new field of wildflowers is planned for outside the visitor centre to greet people on arrival.

The banks of the monument are already a county wildlife site, with flowers such as orchids found in the outer grassland near the stones.

If Prince Harry has his way, this is going to be the story of 2023

05:00 , Eleanor Noyce

In the modern world, when conflicts turn hot, they also turn complicated. When one country invades another, it is not uncommon for it to end up with less, not more, than when it started.

Not that long ago, capitalism and communism were engaged in what really should have been a straightforward existential struggle, but it hadn’t even been going for all that long before America was secretly selling guns to Iran and sending the profits to a guerrilla movement in Nicaragua for reasons that really don’t make sense even on the tenth reading of the Wikipedia page on the subject.

Prince Harry is suing the Daily Mail for running what he alleges to be a covert surveillance operation on him, yet his witness statement on the matter appears to be more concerned with ramping up another conflict – with his own family.

Tom Peck writes:

If Prince Harry has his way, this is going to be the story of 2023 | Tom Peck

Luxury London hotel launches King’s coronation package for £13,000 per night

15:17 , Kate Ng

A luxury London hotel has launched a King’s coronation package, which will set guests back a right royal £13,000 per night.

The Crown Jewels Experience is available to book at Hotel Café Royal, fittingly located on Regent Street, and includes an overnight stay in the Royal Suite.

Helen Wilson-Beevers reports:

Luxury London hotel launches King’s coronation package for £13,000 per night

King Charles receives rousing standing ovation after delivering historic Bundestag address

04:00 , Eleanor Noyce

In case you missed it...

King Charles III received a rousing standing ovation from German politicians after addressing the Bundestag in both fluent German and English.

The monarch made history on Thursday 30 March, becoming the first member of the British royal family to speak in Germany’s federal parliament while it is in session.

During his address, Charles spoke of the importance of renewing the “special bond of friendship” between the two countries.

Camilla, Queen Consort, was watching his speech from the Bundestag floor.


King Charles receives standing ovation after delivering historic Bundestag address

‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

03:00 , Eleanor Noyce

In case you missed it...

Prince Harry suffered from “suspicion and paranoia” and lost friends because of newspaper articles, a court heard on Monday, as he launched his campaign to reform the media with a surprise appearance in London.

The Duke of Sussex flew 5,500 miles from his new home in California to attend a High Court hearing as the Daily Mail’s publisher bids to throw out claims against its titles, including accusations of phone-hacking.

Also in court were Sir Elton John, Sadie Frost, and Baroness Lawrence, who are among the public figures suing Associated Newspapers for alleged unlawful activity.

Alastair Jamieson reports:

‘Paranoid’ Prince Harry lost friends over ‘unlawful’ newspaper stories, court hears

War in Ukraine has inflicted the “most unimaginable suffering”, King Charles says

02:00 , Eleanor Noyce

The King has made history by delivering the first speech by a British monarch during a session of the Bundestag.

He told the packed chamber: “The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has inflicted the most unimaginable suffering on so many innocent people.

“Countless lives have been destroyed; freedom and human dignity have been trampled in the most brutal way. The security of Europe has been threatened, together with our democratic values.

“The world has watched in horror – but we have not stood by. Even as we abhor the appalling scenes of destruction, we can take heart from our unity – in defence of Ukraine, of peace and freedom.

“Germany and the United Kingdom have shown vital leadership. As Europe’s two largest donors to Ukraine, we have responded with taking decisions which might previously have seemed unimaginable. Germany’s decision to send such significant military support to Ukraine is remarkably courageous, important and appreciated.”

King hails ‘special bond’ between UK and Germany in Bundestag address

01:00 , Eleanor Noyce

The King has celebrated the “special bond” between the UK and Germany as he became the first British monarch to address the Bundestag during his historic state visit to the country.

Speaking in both German and English, Charles said he could “hardly begin to express the pride” he felt in the relationship between the two countries and spoke fondly of his “cherished” family ties to Germany.

He also thanked the country for its kindness following the death of his mother, the late Queen.

He said: “Today, it gives me particular pride to be with you ... and to renew the special bond between our two countries.

“This friendship meant so much to my beloved mother, the late Queen, who often spoke of the 15 official visits she made to Germany, including her five state visits.

“The first of those, in 1965, came when our continent was still deeply scarred by war, and the trauma of conflict. Hers was the wartime generation, and like my father, the Queen had served in uniform.

“That my parents’ 11-day tour of Germany should prove to be a pivotal moment in the reconciliation between our nations was, therefore, a matter of great personal significance to them both.

“My mother understood the immense achievement that reconciliation represented, and in returning to Germany time and again, she was determined to play her own part. It is, perhaps, for this reason that Her late Majesty won a particular place in the affection of the German people.”

With a quip about the Lionesses’ victory over Germany at Euro 2022, the monarch hailed it as “just one example of how our countries, together, can offer a compelling example to the world”.

“Faced with so many shared challenges, the United Kingdom and Germany are together providing leadership to secure our shared future,” he added.

King Charles makes historic address to Bundestag parliament in fluent German

Thursday 30 March 2023 23:59 , Eleanor Noyce

King Charles III has made history as he becomes the first British monarch to address German politicians from the Bundestag, while the parliament is in session.

Charles is delivering a speech in German which celebrates the deep-rooted links between Germany and the UK on his first state visit to the country.

The King spoke of the importance of renewing the “special bond of friendship” between the two countries.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain reports:

King Charles makes historic address to German parliament in fluent German

I’m an artist who paints in blood – this is why I’m so angry with Prince Harry

Thursday 30 March 2023 23:00 , Eleanor Noyce

“I am an anti-war artist and a former Soviet soldier. I reject Harry’s comments about killing people as though they are pieces on a chessboard. I am drenching St Paul’s Cathedral in Royal Blood – the UK’s Royal Coat of Arms filled with the blood of Afghan people who have not forgotten the illegal war on their land and who are against Harry’s comments about his desensitised killings.

“As Harry is in London, I have contacted him to set up a meeting, as an ex-militarist myself, to discuss my ideas for the computer game I am producing inspired by his time in Afghanistan. We have much to discuss.

He is in court against Associated Newspapers Limited over allegations of criminality against him – “unlawful information gathering”. From what I have seen, he keeps himself in the spotlight, bringing attention to his personal life, while going to extreme lengths to plead for privacy.

Boasting about killing, whether for democracy or not, is something I do not accept. During military service in the Soviet Union, I saw a fellow soldier put a gun to his heart and shoot himself. Later, we were eating in the canteen and the guards pulled him through the room. His body and clothes were covered in blood, so he left a line like a signature behind him. A bloodline.”

Andrei Molodkin writes:

Opinion: I’m an artist who uses blood – this is why I’m angry with Prince Harry

Prince Harry’s relationship with the press used to be ‘mutually parasitic’ – now it’s openly antagonistic

Thursday 30 March 2023 22:00 , Eleanor Noyce

“Up on the third floor, in the strip-lit, pine-clad bowels of the Royal Courts of Justice there’s a sign on the door of Court 76 that says “Sussex and Others”. You could be forgiven for thinking you’d got lost in a very sterile beer festival or a Shakespearean costume store.

“On Monday, Court 76 broke all attendance records for a pre-trial hearing, at least in the view of its presiding judge Mr Justice Nicklin. Elton John and David Furnish, Doreen Lawrence, Sadie Frost and of course Sussex himself all lined up to listen to interminable legal argument that will cost you about £800 an hour just to pay someone to understand for you.

“Day two, by contrast, was for the diehards, and Sussex – also known as Prince Harry – is going to be dying very hard indeed. This is only a pre-trial hearing in his action against the publishers of the Daily Mail, over breaches of privacy and the illegal gathering of information (chiefly by private investigators), which Associated Newspapers denies. It is the sort of thing that the rich and famous rarely bother with, but arguably, it’s certainly bothering the most famous person in the world right now.”

Tom Peck writes:

Harry’s relationship with the press isn’t parasitic, it’s antagonistic | Tom Peck

King Charles ‘really showed interest in everyone’s stories’, refugee centre manager says

Thursday 30 March 2023 21:00 , Eleanor Noyce

During his state visit to Germany with the Queen Consort, Charles was given a tour of the Ukraine Arrival Centre by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Thursday.

Stopping to speak to families registering after just arriving, asked: “Was it very difficult to get out of Ukraine? Are you pleased to be here?”

Charles took up the offer of a game of table football in the refugee centre’s games room and joked: “I remember trying this when I was younger.”

But when he conceded a goal, he replied: “Amazing, two hands you are the experts.”

Speaking afterwards through a translator Olena Ochkiviska, 40, said: “I told him everyone was caring after us and they are working on the negatives.

“He said that he was praying for us all. I’m the luckiest lady in the world.”

Kleopatra Tummler, operations manager of the refugee centre, who also worked 15 years as Take That’s tour manager, said afterwards: “He really showed interest in everyone’s stories.

“He learned that some said there were not enough cellars in Ukraine for people to hide.

“There was a family who had just arrived and registered here who he stopped to talk to.”

Watch as King Charles continues Germany trip with historic Bundestag address

Thursday 30 March 2023 20:00 , Eleanor Noyce

In case you missed it...

Watch as King Charles III continues his visit to Germany.

The monarch addressed the Bundestag on Thursday 30 March during a high-profile trip that will attempt to rebuild some of the European ties damaged by Brexit.

His remarks marked the first time that a member of the British royal family has spoken to members of Germany’s lower house of parliament while it is in session.

On Wednesday night, Charles pledged to “strengthen the connections” between the two nations while speaking at a banquet at Schloss Bellevue presidential palace in Berlin.

He also spoke in German to say he and Camilla were “deeply touched” by the warm welcome they had received and he praised the “very special” nation.

Oliver Browning reports:

Watch as King Charles continues Germany trip with historic Bundestag address

Camilla pays tribute to predecessors during first state visit as Queen Consort

Thursday 30 March 2023 19:00 , Eleanor Noyce

Queen Consort Camilla has paid tribute to the queens who came before her while attending a State Banquet in Berlin to honour her and King Charles III’s state visit to Germany.

Camilla pinned a brooch with a portrait of her late mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II, onto her black evening dress for the occasion on Wednesday (29 March).

On her head, she wore a tiara that once belonged to the Queen Mother. Her dress, which was covered in silver embroidery, was designed by Bruce Oldfield, who is in charge of creating her coronation dress.

The glittering Boucheron tiara was gifted to the Queen Consort by the late Elizabeth. Camilla also wore a fringed necklace from the late Queen’s jewellery collection.

The brooch is the Queen’s Family Order, the sovereign’s highest personal order of merit, and showcases a hand-painted miniature portrait of a young Queen Elizabeth.

Kate Ng reports:

Camilla pays tribute to predecessors during first state visit as Queen Consort

Watch: King Charles visits joint military battalion during Germany visit

Thursday 30 March 2023 18:15 , Eleanor Noyce

Watch as King Charles III meets with members of a German-British battalion during his first overseas trip as sovereign.

The King was greeted by Brandenburg state premier Dietmar Woidke upon his arrival to the base in Finowfurt.

The head and deputy head of the battalion, Stefan Klein and Ian Higginbotham, also met with the monarch during his visit.

King Charles became the first monarch to address Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, earlier on Thursday.

During his address, he stressed the close bonds between the United Kingdom and Germany.

Watch here:

Watch: King Charles visits joint military battalion during Germany visit

Prince Harry returns to court for phone-tapping fight as King Charles visits Germany

Thursday 30 March 2023 17:15 , Eleanor Noyce

Prince has returned to court for his ongoing case against the publisher of the Daily Mail, just as his father Charles visits Germany in his first overseas visit as king.

After missing the third day of the hearing, the Duke of Sussex reappeared at the High Court on Thursday, as his lawyers resisted an “ambitious” and “unattractive” bid by the publisher to end the legal action.

Earlier in the day his father - who it was reported would not be seeing his US-based son during his surprise visit to the UK - gave a historic address to the German parliament.

Harry and other high-profile individuals accuse Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) of having “concealed wrongdoing” over the alleged unlawful gathering of their private information.

ANL, which denies the allegations, says a judge should rule in its favour without a trial because the legal challenges against it are brought “far too late”.

Tom Pilgrim reports:

Harry returns to court for phone-tapping fight as father Charles visits Germany

In pictures: King Charles and Queen Consort’s visit to Germany

Thursday 30 March 2023 17:13 , Eleanor Noyce

The King and the Queen Consort are halfway through their first state visit to Germany, taking place in Berlin, Brandenburg and Hamburg from Wednesday, 29 March to Friday, 31 March, 2023.

Their visit to France, which was scheduled for 26-29 March, has been postponed due to ongoing mass strikes and protests.

Today, Charles met families who escaped to Germany after he praised the nation’s “courageous, important and appreciated” decision to send “significant” military support to Ukraine in a historic address to the Bundestag.

The King made history by delivering the first speech by a British monarch during a session of the Bundestag.

Britain's King Charles III and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visit the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30,2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain's King Charles III and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visit the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30,2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain's King Charles III visits the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30, 2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain's King Charles III visits the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30, 2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain’s King Charles III visits the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30, 2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain’s King Charles III visits the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin on March 30, 2023 in Brandenburg, Germany (Getty Images)
Britain’s Camilla, the Queen Consort, and Germany’s first lady Elke Buedenbender react as they talk with a Komische Oper Berlin performer, next to Managing Director Susanne Moser, during a tour of the opera house in Berlin (REUTERS)
Britain’s Camilla, the Queen Consort, and Germany’s first lady Elke Buedenbender react as they talk with a Komische Oper Berlin performer, next to Managing Director Susanne Moser, during a tour of the opera house in Berlin (REUTERS)
Britain's Camilla, Queen Consort and First Lady Elke Budenbender during a visit to the Komische Opera on March 30, 2023 in Berlin (Getty Images)
Britain's Camilla, Queen Consort and First Lady Elke Budenbender during a visit to the Komische Opera on March 30, 2023 in Berlin (Getty Images)

Public says allegations “unfounded"

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:50 , Sam Rkaina

Adrian Beltrami KC, for the publisher, previously told the court: “The claims are rejected by the defendant in their entirety as are the unfounded allegations that are repeatedly made that the defendant either misled the Leveson Inquiry or concealed evidence from the Leveson Inquiry.”

The lawyer said the legal action against it has “no real prospects of succeeding” and is “barred” under a legal period of limitation.

The duke and others allege that ANL hired private investigators to place listening devices inside cars, “blag” private records, and access and record private phone conversations.

Six of those bringing cases against the publisher have referred to alleged confessions by private investigator Gavin Burrows in their claims, but ANL has highlighted a later contrasting witness statement from Mr Burrows in which he denies being commissioned by its newspapers to conduct unlawful information gathering.

Court told of “systemic wrongdoing by the defendant”

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:40 , Sam Rkaina

In written arguments, Mr Sherborne added there were “vociferous and prolific denials of any wrongdoing by the defendant, made on oath to the Leveson Inquiry by its senior executives, and repeated ever since”, which the duke and others “were entitled to and did believe”, and which prevent the publisher from arguing that material could have been discovered earlier.

He said the group had since “uncovered concealed and systemic wrongdoing by the defendant” through information allegedly provided by private investigators and in new documents.

Mr Furnish, and later Baroness Lawrence, were also present in court again on Thursday, following visits this week from Sir Elton and Ms Frost.

“I’m praying for you”, King Charles tells Ukrainians during historic Bundestag address

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:23 , Eleanor Noyce

The King has told Ukrainians “I’m praying for you” after condemning the “unimaginable suffering” caused by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of their homeland.

Charles met families who escaped to Germany after he praised the nation’s “courageous, important and appreciated” decision to send “significant” military support to Ukraine in a historic address to the Bundestag.

At Berlin’s old Tegel Airport the King met recently arrived Ukrainians, a few of more than a million who have sought refuge in the country, and in a lighter moment played table football with some of the group.

On several occasions Charles clasped his hands together and told refugees “I’m praying for you”.

The King made history by delivering the first speech by a British monarch during a session of the Bundestag.

He told the packed chamber: “The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has inflicted the most unimaginable suffering on so many innocent people.

“Countless lives have been destroyed; freedom and human dignity have been trampled in the most brutal way. The security of Europe has been threatened, together with our democratic values.

“The world has watched in horror - but we have not stood by. Even as we abhor the appalling scenes of destruction, we can take heart from our unity - in defence of Ukraine, of peace and freedom.

“Germany and the United Kingdom have shown vital leadership. As Europe’s two largest donors to Ukraine, we have responded with taking decisions which might previously have seemed unimaginable. Germany’s decision to send such significant military support to Ukraine is remarkably courageous, important and appreciated.”

Baroness Lawrence ‘was gaslit'

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:20 , Sam Rkaina

Mr Sherborne later read out extracts from Baroness Lawrence’s witness statement in which she said she felt “played for a fool” by the Daily Mail, believing the newspaper “really cared” about the injustice of the murder of her son Stephen Lawrence.

The baroness said she learned a journalist allegedly instructed a private investigator to target her, saying that she “never thought to blame” the newspaper.

“They were supposed to be our allies and friends, the good people, not the bad,” she said, adding that she had believed that information in articles about her came from the police.

Mr Sherborne told the court: “That is nothing short of gaslighting Baroness Lawrence, that’s the form of concealment we are talking about.”


Daily Mail publisher ‘ commissioned 19 different private investigators'

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:19 , Sam Rkaina

On the final day of a preliminary hearing in London on Thursday, David Sherborne, representing Harry and others, said ANL’s challenge to their legal action was as “ambitious as it is unattractive”.

He accused the publisher of seeking an “impermissible mini-trial or worse” before further documentation and evidence was secured in the cases.

The barrister said the group, which also includes actresses Sadie Frost and Liz Hurley and ex-Liberal Democrat MP Sir Simon Hughes, had a “compelling case”.

Mr Sherborne said ANL was alleged to have commissioned 19 different private investigators to carry out a series of unlawful acts from 1993 to 2011 and beyond, which in some instances informed articles.

He told the court the group was “thrown off the scent by the way in which the articles were written”.

Latest photos from Charles and Camilla’s Germany visit

Thursday 30 March 2023 16:00 , Emily Atkinson

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Tom Peck: If Prince Harry has his way, this is going to be the story of 2023

Thursday 30 March 2023 15:21 , Emily Atkinson

In the modern world, when conflicts turn hot, they also turn complicated. When one country invades another, it is not uncommon for it to end up with less, not more, than when it started, (writes Tom Peck).

Not that long ago, capitalism and communism were engaged in what really should have been a straightforward existential struggle, but it hadn’t even been going for all that long before America was secretly selling guns to Iran and sending the profits to a guerrilla movement in Nicaragua for reasons that really don’t make sense even on the tenth reading of the Wikipedia page on the subject.

If Prince Harry has his way, this is going to be the story of 2023 | Tom Peck

Prince Harry spotted wearing £800 Dior shirt, complete with 18-carat gold embroidery

Thursday 30 March 2023 14:50 , Emily Atkinson

Prince Harry donned an £800 Dior shirt as he reappeared at the High Court for the final day of a preliminary hearing in London.

The shirt, which the luxury designer describes as being “crafted in luxurious and soft white cotton poplin”, is emblazoned with an embroidered bee, sewn using 18-carat gold thread.


Dior recommends the shirt be worn either with a suit “for a timeless look” or with jeans “for more laid-back allure,” according to its description.

The Duke of Sussex opted for the former after his lawyers resisted an “ambitious” and “unattractive” bid by the publisher of the Daily Mail to end his legal action against it.


Baroness Doreen Lawrence arrives at High Court

Thursday 30 March 2023 14:30 , Emily Atkinson

Baroness Doreen Lawrence has arrived in the courtroom for the final day of the preliminary hearing involving Associated Newspapers Limited.


Harry pictured arriving at High Court

Thursday 30 March 2023 14:08 , Katy Clifton


Harry arrives at High Court

Thursday 30 March 2023 13:57 , Katy Clifton

Prince Harry has arrived at the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the final day of a preliminary hearing in a set of privacy claims against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL).

He arrived through the building’s side entrance around 1:45pm.

King Charles visits Ukrainian refugees in Berlin

Thursday 30 March 2023 13:45 , Emily Atkinson

The King has been photographed visiting the Tegel Refugee Centre in Berlin, where he is seen talking to Ukrainian people and families given refuge there.


Latest images of Charles and Camilla’s trip to Germany

Thursday 30 March 2023 13:15 , Emily Atkinson

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

UK’s friendship with Germany ‘meant so much to my beloved mother’, says Charles

Thursday 30 March 2023 12:42 , Emily Atkinson

King Charles spoke earnestly of late Queen Elizabeth II’s affection for Germany during his historic address to the Bundestag on Thursday.

“This friendship meant so much to my beloved mother, the late Queen, who often spoke of the 15 official visits she made to Germany, including her five state visits,” he said.

“The first of those, in 1965, came when our continent was still deeply scarred by war, and the trauma of conflict. Hers was the wartime generation, and like my father, the Queen had served in uniform.


“That my parents’ 11-day tour of Germany should prove to be a pivotal moment in the reconciliation between our nations was, therefore, a matter of great personal significance to them both.

“My mother understood the immense achievement that reconciliation represented, and in returning to Germany time and again, she was determined to play her own part. It is, perhaps, for this reason that Her late Majesty won a particular place in the affection of the German people.”

Watch: King Charles receives rousing standing ovation after delivering Bundestag address in German

Thursday 30 March 2023 12:04 , Emily Atkinson