Rishi Sunak Reveals What Annoys Him About His Wife In Excruciating Interview

Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty during the Grazia interview.
Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty during the Grazia interview. Simon WalkerSimon Walker / No 10 Downing Str

Rishi Sunak has revealed what annoys him about his wife during an excruciating interview for Grazia magazine.

The prime minister said it “bugs” him that Akshata Murty doesn’t like making the bed - and said he even takes time out from running the country to go back to the No.10 flat to do it himself.

Sunak also joked about his wife’s inability to load the dishwasher the way he likes, and how she doesn’t follow his instructions when feeding their two daughters.

The cringe-making exchange was filmed and posted on Grazia’s website earlier today.

Asked who is more likely to make the bed, Murty says: “I’m not a morning person.”

Sunak then says: “But you also just don’t like making the bed and it bugs me.

“I actually sometimes come up back into the flat from the office after we’ve all left to make the bed, because I’ll be irritated if it’s not been made.”

On who is best at loading the dishwasher, Murty says: “Definitely Rishi, but I am ‘A’ for enthusiasm.”

Sunak then replies: “But then it requires redoing after you’ve been very enthusiastic.”

Murty also says that Sunak is the better cook, but the PM says the demands of his job mean he usually only manages to make Gordon Ramsay’s scrambled eggs for breakfast on a Saturday morning.

However, despite his absence for their daughters’ meal times, Murty said that Sunak still makes his presence felt.

“Rishi always lays out the structure and I fill in the structure - so he’s like ’they need to have a protein, a carbohydrate, a veg,” Murty says.

But the PM then interrupts to say: “There’s a not a single meal when I come home and they’re eating those three things.

“There is no meal, unless I’m home, that operates like that.”
