Renter kicked out of property after Kmart air fryer explosion

A Queensland woman has slammed her real estate company for kicking her and her partner out after a air fryer explosion. Source: TikTok/leximeiwan

Video transcript

- Hi, our air fryer caught fire last Thursday when it wasn't on and did this to the property we were renting.

So today, we were sent a Form 12 by our real estate agent. And so far, our real estate agent has been really cold about all of this.

A Form 12 is a notice of intention to leave, but the catch is we need to leave in 72 hours. So we need to find a new place to rent, a place for the four bedroom house worth of stuff to go. And I quote directly from the email, the lawns and gardens are attended to by the day of handover. Oh, and an exit report.

I guess what I'm asking is if you do work in real estate and you do deal with tenant relationships, have a little empathy. I understand that you are running a business and you need to treat most relationships in a business manner, but when one of your tenants goes through something life threatening and has trauma off the back of it, because Max hasn't slept since that day, try to put yourself in their shoes.