Remarkable escape after truck freeway crash

Remarkable escape after truck freeway crash

Shocking video of the moment a Sydney tip-truck slammed into a line of traffic has emerged. Remarkably, no-one lost their life.

The camera gives the view of the truck driver as he drove along the M7. near Blacktown.

The incident happened on July 20 2012 when truck driver Steven Perks drove his Kenworth tip truck into a waiting traffic jam at 97 kilometres and hour.

The first vehicle struck was a school mini bus with five students and their driver were on board.

Two schoolgirls were thrown from the van but amazingly survived.

The M7 was so badly damaged a section had to be resurfaced.

Crash investigator, Brett Samuels, today told Penrith Court there had been no evidence of braking.

But Mr Perks has pleaded not guilty to dangerous driving and gross inattention at the wheel.

Defence Lawyers will call his doctor to testify Mr Perks suffers from severe sleep apnoea and allege he was sleep-driving.

Mr Perks elected to have his trial heard by a judge only, District Court judge Steven Hanley.

Last week Judge Hanley sentenced another truck driver, Vincent George, to 13 years' jail for killing three members of the Logan family at Menangle, south of Sydney.