Relatives of baby killed in magpie tragedy seek Covid travel exemption

The extended family of a baby girl who died in a Brisbane park, as her mum tried to avoid a swooping magpie, are hoping to receive exemptions to travel from NSW into Queensland.

Five-month-old Mia died after her mum Simone fell while carrying her at Glindemann Park in Holland Park West on Sunday. Mia’s mum was trying to avoid a swooping magpie in the park.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young said she expects members of Mia’s family will be allowed into Queensland once appropriate quarantine procedures are investigated. The family put in a request on Tuesday.

Mia, five months old, is pictured.
Mia, five months old, died after her mum fell while carrying her. She was trying to dodge a swooping magpie. Source: GoFundMe

“I've asked this morning where the family lives in New South Wales, so we can work through what's required,” Dr Young told reporters.

“Of course, they can come into Queensland, then we'll just work through what type of quarantine might need to be in place.”

Most of NSW, including the Central Coast, Greater Sydney and the South Coast, are designated hotspots meaning anyone entering Queensland from there will need to quarantine for 14 days.

There are also designated border zones which are south of the Queensland-NSW border and people from these areas need an exemption to enter Queensland.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young speaks to the media during a press conference to provide a COVID-19 update in Brisbane.
Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young confirmed Mia's family are seeking exemptions to travel from NSW. Source: AAP

A GoFundMe page was created to raise money for Mia’s funeral and to support her parents Jacob and Simone.

The page describes Mia as “Beautiful” and “loved by all who got to meet her”.

The hope was to raise $100,000 as it would also give Mia’s parents some stability while taking some time off to grieve.

But as of Wednesday that target has been passed and the campaign has raised more than $120,000.

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