Race for Life cancelled by ‘severe flooding’

A weekend of Race for Life fundraising events have been cancelled due to “severe flooding”.

Charity Cancer Research UK said “all events” on Saturday and Sunday had been called off at Stanborough Park in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

Participants have been notified and their places automatically transferred to the Stevenage Race for Life in July.

Deborah Masini from the charity said: “For health and safety reasons, we have no choice”.

“We’re so sorry we are having to cancel this event. We know it means so much to so many people and will cause disappointment,” the area event manager added.

Cancer Research said if participants could not make the Stevenage event, they could join an “alternative nearby event” in St Albans or Watford.

“We’d like to thank everyone who signed up to Welwyn for their support. Each Race for Life event raises thousands of much-needed pounds for our lifesaving research,” said Ms Masini.

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Welwyn Garden City