Backpackers in Brisbane sexually assaulted as they slept

A man has been arrested, accused of sneaking into backpacker hostels in Brisbane and sexually assaulting women while they slept.

Police know of two victims but believe there are more.

They are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

The accused cannot be named for legal reasons. Photo: 7 News
The accused cannot be named for legal reasons. Photo: 7 News

The man is a foreigner on a tourist visa who allegedly targeted other travellers when they were most vulnerable.

The 31-year-old Italian national who cannot be identified for legal reasons face the Brisbane Magistrates Court this morning.

Police alleged he snuck into the X-Base backpackers and Bunk hostel at least seven times over the past six months.

One woman told officers she woke up to find the man using his mobile phone, allegedly recording an assault on her friend.

Prosecutor Terry Perry told the court: “He’s done this while they were asleep, they might now even know.”

The Bunk hostel is one of the locations of his alleged crimes. Photo: 7 News
The Bunk hostel is one of the locations of his alleged crimes. Photo: 7 News

At this stage the tourist is accused of assaulting two women but police strong suspect there may be several more victim.

They have been urged to come forward.

Magistrate Linda Bradford-Morgan refused bail telling the accused he was: “preying on women unknown to you in backpacker hostels in Brisbane.”

The man was not staying at the hostels. He runs a dance studio and works at a Brisbane restaurant.

He is due to face court again next month.