Has Putin suspended the last nuclear arms treaty with the US?

President Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia will withdraw from the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

Video transcript

- Has Putin suspended the last nuclear arms treaty with the US? President Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia will withdraw from the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, suspending the country's last remaining nuclear arms control with the US. During an annual national address just days before the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin said that he was forced to announce that Russia is suspending its participation in the treaty.

The New START Treaty was signed in 2010 and was aimed at limiting the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles and strategic nuclear warheads that Russia in the US were allowed to deploy. Both parties agreed to extend the treaty, which includes a cap of 1,550 warheads for another five years in early 2021.

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned Putin's announcement, calling the decision deeply unfortunate and irresponsible. After the presidential speech, Russia's foreign minister clarified that Putin's withdrawal from the treaty remains reversible. So now you know.