Protesters call to end trade with Israel

Pro Palestinian protesters march near Hyde Park in Sydney’s CBD on Saturday. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

Pro-Palestine supporters marched through the streets of Sydney’s CBD on Saturday afternoon before rallying in Hyde Park calling for an end to the “genocide in Gaza.”

The event was organised by the Palestine Action group with the crowd yelling “shame” and “enough is enough, end this genocide.”

Pro-Palestinian supporters march near Hyde Park in Sydney’s CBD. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

People carried flags and signs as they marched in support Palestinians with messages to “end the apartheid” and chanting to free the people of Gaza.

Speaking at the rally a young girl addressed the crowd saying it was time for the government to cut its ties with Israel.

Protesters called for the government to impose sanctions and cease trade with Israel saying politicians had been complicit.

Pro-Palestinian protesters march through Sydney’s CBD. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

In Melbourne, protesters clashed with police and delegates at Labor’s Victorian state conference which was forced into lockdown after hundreds of people stormed a building where the conference took place on Saturday morning.

Protesters could be seen shoving and pushing people as they make their way through the crowd into the conference – some of which included MPs and Labor delegates, who were met with abuse upon arriving.

Others had to be escorted into the venue by police.

Hundreds of Palestinian supporters march through Sydney. Picture: NewsWire / Damian Shaw

A video posted to X (formerly Twitter) shows hundreds of protesters storm a building where the conference is taking place with people inside the building chanting, “Free, free, Palestine,” and banging on walls.

Outside protesters tried to disrupt the conference by chanting pro-Palestine messages through megaphones.

Victoria Police confirmed that no arrests had been made but they would also be at the racecourse tomorrow when the conference continued for a second day.