Powerball $150m jackpot: Do you fit the profile of a typical winner?

Looking at the 20 division one winners from last year, you get quite a specific picture of what a winner may be like.

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Let's find out if you fit the criteria of the most frequent Powerball division one winners.

Looking at last year's 20 division one winners across all lottery games, they actually have a lot of attributes in common.

Among the 2023 winners, almost 62% were male and nearly 31% were in their sixties, followed by 23% in their fifties.

Interestingly, people with the initials MJSD and G took home almost half of the Division one prizes, according to the lot.

People with names starting with SKJD and AM took home almost two thirds of individual division one prize money.

And for those of you into astrology, almost 13% of last year's winners were libras.

Nearly 12% were Virgos and 10% were cancers, while just one person was a Scorpio.

However, despite these stats, the Powerball winners so far in 2024 are well and truly bucking the 2023 Lotto trends.

So as interesting as it is to look at the patterns, Matt Hart from the lot says wouldn't necessarily live and die by these trends because, you know it's such a game of chance and it's really open to anyone