Pothole riddled hospital road fixed by local firms

The potholes outside of Frome Community Hospital
Nick White from Trustee Friends of Frome Hospital said the potholes had become dangerous for vehicle users and pedestrians accessing the hospital [Nick White]

A road with a number of large potholes near a community hospital is being repaired, thanks to the goodwill of local contractors.

The full resurfacing of the access road to Frome Community Hospital was estimated to cost £35,000, but the work is being carried out for free with donated services and materials from several local companies.

The work started on Saturday and is expected to be completed on Sunday.

Nick White, from Trustee Friends of Frome Hospital, said: "It's a tremendous effort by local people.

The road outside Frome Community Hospital
The work is being carried out for free by local companies [Nick White]

"It's [the hospital] a very important part of our community so getting people to help out with this project has been easier than I had anticipated."

Mr White said the project came about after the hospital trust approached the charity asking if they could help fund the work, due to the potholes becoming "quite dangerous" to both vehicle users and those accessing the hospital via the car park.

"There was judged to be insufficient money in the hospital trust at the time to action the work," he said.

Mr White said they then received several quotes that were a "considerable sum", and so reached out to local contractors.

"A great team of local companies have just piled-in to complete this project," he added.

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