Police hope to get to the bottom of 'pantless' crime in Wodonga

Police in a Victorian town are working on a case they are hoping to get to the bottom of.

Officers were baffled by a particularly unusual print detected on a glass door, after a break-in at a community hall in Wodonga.

While the scene was being dusted for prints, a shape from a pantless bare bottom began to appear.

"He's going to have to throw his finger print brush out now I think," said Detective Sergeant Graeme Simpfendorfer.

Police in Wodonga found an unusual print on a door following a break-in. Source: Supplied.
Police in Wodonga found an unusual print on a door following a break-in. Source: Supplied.

Local police in Wodonga say it is thought the break-in occurred at a community hall in Watson Street sometime on Friday night, when damage was caused by a fire extinguisher being set off at the property.


It is believed the thieves returned on Saturday and stole a television.

It is still not known exactly why the offender left the unexpected mark behind.

"They're having a joke, or they're actually trying to lean up against the door to break in, but I don't know why they'd do it pantsless," crime scene sergeant Shane Martin told The Age.

The theft was reported on Sunday.

It is believed there were three offenders, thought to be in their late teens to early twenties.

Police believe the incident might be linked to a black-coloured Ford falcon.

Despite the unusual find at the scene, police have said in all seriousness a lot of damage has been done at the property and they are keen to get the television for the community hall returned.