Poker ace plays luck card

If poker is almost as much a game of luck as a game of skill, then Dale Seaman is already halfway to victory.

The Armadale father of six won a competition to enter a World Series of Poker qualifier and then played the game of his life to score the only WA entry into the prestigious competition in the US next month.

The endless maze of poker tables at a Las Vegas casino is a far cry from the Cannington Bowls Club where he won his biggest game so far, but Mr Seaman hopes his "stay quiet" tactic will serve him well against some of the world's best 2500 players.

Mr Seaman, a sales consultant, said he started playing poker online out of curiosity eight years ago and answered an advertisement at his local pub to play his first tournament in person.

Mr Seaman will hit the table within a day of landing on US soil on June 30.

The prize pool reaches almost $10 million for some of the biggest events in the competition and Mr Seaman will compete in event 60 - known as the No-Limit Hold'em event - for a prize pool of about $650,000.