Plans for 21 new homes in West Sussex put forward

The plans for new homes at Eastergate
Each home would have a garden and at least one parking space under the proposal [Elberry Property Ltd]

Plans for 21 new homes in Eastergate, West Sussex, have been submitted to Arun District Council.

The development would behind the Croft Surgery, in Barnham Road, with 12 three-bed, seven two-bed and two one-bed bungalows. Four will be affordable homes.

All the properties would have at least one parking space, with five visitor spaces and a private garden of at least 34.5ft (10.5m), according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

MH Architects, on behalf of developers Elberry Property Ltd, said in the proposal that 17 of the homes would be "accessible and adaptable dwellings allowing to cater for changing needs and an ageing population".

The Croft surgery in Eastergate
If approved, the properties would be built on land behind the Croft surgery [Getty Images]

The firm said the plans would fit "sympathetically" with the character of the "predominantly residential" area.

The plans are within the Eastergate built-up area boundary and will see a biodiversity net gain of 10%, with some trees on the site to be preserved, it added.

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