Piers Morgan tells Sunak NHS is a ‘warzone’ after mother nearly died on A&E trolley

Piers Morgan told Prime Minister Risi Sunak the NHS is like a “warzone” after his mother nearly died on an A&E trolley waiting to be seen.

Mr Morgan told Mr Sunak about his 79-year-old mother’s experience three months ago after having a heart attack.

The broadcaster told the British leader that, despite being driven to the hospital in an ambulance, she waited on a trolley in an A&E corridor for nearly seven hours to be seen, in a scene she compared to a “warzone”.

The Prime Minister said the account was “shocking” and that performance in A&E and with ambulance waiting times were “not good enough”.

But he denied that the Tories had failed the NHS since 2010, citing the backlog created by the coronavirus pandemic.

The full interview is due to be shown on the Piers Morgan Uncensored YouTube channel at 2pm and TalkTV at 8pm on Monday.