‘Infestation’: Photos expose city’s big issue

Councillor Linda Scott is asking locals to join her in voting against the collection of outsourcing, in her latest petition. Picture: Supplied.
Councillor Linda Scott is asking locals to join her in voting against the outsourcing of waste collection in her petition. Picture: Supplied.

As Sydney’s waste collection issues continue across the city, one local councillor is calling on the public to push back against the outsourcing of rubbish collection.

The City of Sydney Council has for years used an independent contractor to manage its waste collection, but strikes and labour shortages over 2023, following years of Covid-19-related disruptions, have pushed residents to breaking point.

With some collections missed by more than four weeks, Labor Councillor Linda Scott fears the public's health and wellbeing will continue to be negatively affected by the ongoing lack of rubbish removal.

Ms Scott, who is currently serving as a Labor Councillor on the City of Sydney Council, and is its former Deputy Lord Mayor, wants Sydneysiders to send a “message” to the Lord Mayor to fix the city’s rubbish crisis before it’s too late.


“After years of inaction over the waste crisis, City of Sydney residents are calling for change in 2024,” she said.

Councillor Linda Scott is asking locals to join her in voting against the collection of outsourcing, in her latest petition. Picture: Supplied.
Councillor Linda Scott is asking locals to join her in voting against the collection of rubbish outsourcing, in her latest petition. Picture: Supplied.

In a series of recent Facebook posts, the Labor Councillor is sharing images of red and yellow bins overflowing with large bags of rubbish, shoes, clothing and in some cases, maggots spilling out of their lids, which don’t close.

“Sydney’s streets are filthy, and our residents are rightly calling for help in what is now a rat and maggot infested public health disaster,” she said.

The original post, shared on a local Erskineville group by a frustrated resident in Gowrie Lane, has attracted more than 80 scathing comments so far.

Councillor Linda Scott is asking locals to join her in voting against the collection of outsourcing, in her latest petition. Picture: Supplied.
Councillor Linda Scott supports locals who are calling for change to rubbish collection in 2024. Picture: Supplied.

Fired up community members have started sharing other locations across the city that have also missed waste collections.

One person in favour of Ms Scott’s petition, wrote in a comment on the Councillor’s Facebook page: “Time to bin Clover”.


Another wrote: “The same issue week before in Pyrmont where recycle bins weren’t picked up for a fortnight”.

“The lanes are infested with vermin and flies,” wrote another.

Bins in Erskineville overflowing with rubbish, waste and maggots. Picture: Supplied.
Bins in Erskineville overflowing with rubbish, waste and maggots. Picture: Supplied.

It’s not just trash spilling onto the street, littering the sidewalk that is an issue. An increase in illegal dumping has also been reported across the city by concerned locals.

“It’s time for change,” Ms Scott told NCA NewsWire.

“No Moore maggots.”

When the City moved to outsource the remaining parts of its waste collection service, Ms Scott said she was the only councillor to oppose this change.

“As the only councillor who voted against privatisation of the council’s waste collection, I’m devastated to see my warnings coming true,” she said.

One Facebook user posted a photo showing the rubbish collecting along their street in Renwick Street in Drummoyne. Picture: Supplied.
One Facebook user posted a photo showing the rubbish collecting along their street in Renwick Street in Alexandria. Picture: Supplied.

With many locals taking to the social media platform to vent their frustrations and disgust at what their “city has turned into”, Ms Scott says Clover Moore simply cannot continue to keep pace with the city’s needs.


“Clover Moore has undoubtedly changed the face of Sydney and done some good, but after 44 years in office – having been elected when Malcolm Fraser was still the Prime Minister – she simply can’t keep pace with what’s needed of Sydney’s Lord Mayor in 2024,” she said.

Sydney City Council said in a statement around 100,000 bins with “only a small proportion are reported as a missed service on any typical day.”

It’s a very busy time for waste collection crews and they’re working hard to continue to collect residential bins, booked bulky pick-ups and illegal dumps across the local area throughout the holiday season,” the council said.


“Every week the City of Sydney also operates a household bulky waste service. While most councils provide only a limited or scheduled pick-up of bulky waste, the City of Sydney maintains a higher level of service by offering our residents a free weekly service to meet the needs of the community and to keep our streets clean.


“As it’s a weekly service, residents can book up to 52 free bulky waste collections a year.


“We encourage any residents who notice a missed collection or illegal dump to contact us, so we can resolve the matter for you as quickly as possible.”

It said “occasionally” bins or booked pick-ups may be missed on allocated collection days.

“We aim to collect any reported missed bins within two business days. We’re not aware of bins that were recently reported as missed being left uncollected for extended periods.”