Voters Who Live In A Battleground State, Share Your Top Political Issue AND Who You're Voting For In 2024

Hello, everyone! We're back for round two of BuzzFeed's 2024 Election Diaries, a series highlighting different groups of voters nationwide to find out what political issues are most important to them AND who they plan to support for president in 2024.

Assorted campaign buttons with "2024" prominent, reflecting a political theme
adamkaz / Getty Images

This week, we're asking BuzzFeed Community voters in any of the seven battleground states — Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, or Michigan — to fill out this anonymous Google form and share their political views. These voters could decide the outcome of the 2024 election!

Map of the US showing regions with colored states and pushpin markers at certain locations
Peter Hermes Furian / Getty Images / Canva

So, if you live in a battleground state, what political issue is most important to you this election year?


Maybe you're an Arizona resident, and the recent restrictions to abortion access, including a 15-week ban, are directly impacting you.

Woman holding a sign that reads "MY BODY MY CHOICE" at an outdoor rally
Filippo Bacci / Getty Images

Maybe you live in rural Georgia, and widespread hospital closings have impacted you, forcing you to travel farther distances for healthcare.

Sign in front of a hospital reads "This Hospital is CLOSED" and instructs to call 911 in emergencies
lawcain / Getty Images

Or maybe you live on the coast of North Carolina and have seen the devastation that storms due to climate change have had on your local community.

Pier with waves crashing against its pillars, under an overcast sky. People are visible at the far end of the pier
Darwin Brandis / Getty Images

Share what political issues matter most to you and why. Let us know via this Google form.

If you are reading this and are not a voter living in a battleground state, don't worry! New groups of voters will be requested bi-weekly! Also, if you don't qualify for this round but know someone who does, please send it to them!