People Are Laughing At This FBI Agent's Disguise For A "60 Minutes" Interview Because It Really Is That Bad

People Are Laughing At This FBI Agent's Disguise For A "60 Minutes" Interview Because It Really Is That Bad

We've all watched TV shows where they interview someone wearing a disguise.

Sometimes they black their faces out.

Silhouetted person by a window with the name "Sharon Johnson" onscreen

Sometimes they blur them.

Person relaxing on a sofa holding a remote control with blurred face for privacy

And other times the person will put a blanket on, pop some sunglasses on, and call it a day.

Person in a humorous blanket disguise with sunglasses giving an interview
Local 12

And now one disguise from a 60 Minutes interview is going viral.

Silhouette of an unidentifiable person with a cap labeled '72' amidst a dimly lit setting
Picture Alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images

60 Minutes did a report on Havana Syndrome and they interviewed a FBI agent named "Carrie":

CBS/Twitter: @Olivianuzzi


Yep, this was "Carrie's" disguise:

CBS/Twitter: @hashy_larry

"I don't understand why they didn't just blur her face," one person asked.

CBS/Twitter: @breathtkinan


"Like, what does she normally look like?" another person questioned.

CBS/Twitter: @mousemoney

This person thought it was an April Fool's Day joke.

CBS/Twitter: @SlaterNFL

And this person compared it to a Sia wig.

CBS/Twitter: @steakwilson


Like, it really seemed like a parody...

CBS/ Twitter: @TheRealUnclePe

Either way, I hope "Carrie" from the FBI is doing great, and hopefully she got to keep that Lady Gaga wig!

Woman interviewed on "60 Minutes," making hand gestures while speaking to a male interviewer off-screen
