Paralympic gold medallist's rowing boat stolen

The boat Rio Gold which has been stolen from Guildford Rowing Club
The boat was kept at Guildford Rowing Club [Rachel Morris]

A Paralympic gold medallist has said she is "gutted" that her rowing boat has been stolen from a Surrey club.

Rachel Morris, who has won two gold medals in different sports at the Paralympics, said her boat was stolen from Guildford Rowing Club last week.

She said the boat was "so important" to her and others who use it at the club.

Surrey Police has been contacted for comment.

Ms Morris, from Guildford, said the boat, named Rio Gold, was stolen sometime between Wednesday evening and Friday morning.

The former hand cyclist, who moved to rowing in 2013, won a gold medal in the PR1 (arms and shoulders only) women’s single scull boat at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

She told BBC Radio Surrey she felt "gutted" and "really sick" when she found out the boat - the only one she can row independently - was gone.

It had been given to the club after her medal win and is adapted for people with disabilities.

Rachel Morris in a rowing boat
Rachel Morris won a gold medal at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games [Getty Images]

She said: "It's not just me that uses it, by any means.

"That's why it's so important. There are so many people that cannot access sport but this boat enables them to do it."

She asked people to look out for the boat, which is white, with a band of red.

It has the words Rio Gold on it and the name of the rowing club.

Ms Morris estimated the boat would cost around £5-6,000 to replace, due to the specialist kit used to make it.

She said the boat had "huge sentimental value" and appealed to those who had taken it not to just "dump it".

"Please just look after it and get it back to us," she said.

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