Noah battles a T-rex on cover of new book promoted by Australian creationist

A new book about Noah's travails that are not recorded in the Bible is being released, featuring the famed ark builder preparing to battle a tyrannosaurus rex on its cover.

The book Noah: Man of Resolve is the second instalment in The Remnant Trilogy and is currently being promoted on Australian-born creationist Ken Ham's website Answers in Genesis.

The book's cover art shows Noah, who the Bible says lived past 500 years old, coming face to face with a T-rex in what appears to be a Roman Colosseum.

Ham's website describes the epic tale as one "Packed with action, adventure, and heartbreak".

Australian-born Ken Ham  poses with one of his favorite animatronic dinosaurs during a tour of the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Source: AP
Australian-born Ken Ham poses with one of his favorite animatronic dinosaurs during a tour of the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Source: AP

The website goes on to say the book authored by Tim Chaffey and K Marie Adams is an "imaginative and respectful look at the life of this hero of the faith as God shapes him into the man who eventually saves humanity's future".

"After years of serving God, Noah reaches crisis of faith due to his mounting frustrations with the proliferation of sin and the apparent silence from the Creator," the description continues.

Source: Answers in Genesis
Source: Answers in Genesis

"Thrust into a series of perilous situations, Noah's deepest convictions are challenged. His response will direct his course and change the world forever."

As it is in the Book of Genesis, at no point does the description mention Noah's gladiatorial match against the tyrannical king of the lizards.

Ken's ark, built to the same specifications as Noah's, and home to dinosaurs and other animals. Source: Facebook/Ken Ham
Ken's ark, built to the same specifications as Noah's, and home to dinosaurs and other animals. Source: Facebook/Ken Ham

Curator of the Creation Museum in Kentucky, US, Ham has long believed that dinosaurs lived on Noah's ark during the Great Flood along with the many other living animals we see walking the earth today.

He is such a fan of Noah's work he even built his own ark to the exact specifications set down by God in the Bible, with a length close to 50 metres.