No funding for Amelup Curves

A truck driver was rushed to Albany Health Campus after his truck collided with an oncoming truck near Amelup on Chester Pass Road in February.

Member for Wagin Terry Waldron has expressed his disappointment a "dangerous" section of Chester Pass Road missed out on State Government funding in last week's Budget but Main Roads WA insists the project is still on its radar.

Mr Waldron approached Transport Minister Dean Nalder in March after a spate of accidents on the heavy haulage route, urging him to make fixing the section of road between Borden and Amelup a priority, however no funding was allocated for the 2015-16 financial year.

"I am disappointed there is no funding set aside in this year's Budget," Mr Waldron said.

"However I have personally approached the minister.

"He realises Chester Pass Road is a priority, although a lot of priorities are put forward to the Minister."

Mr Waldron said he acknowledged Chester Pass Road had received considerable funding in recent years but said a section, known as the Amelup Curves, concerned him.

WAFarmers zone delegate Ken Pech expressed views similar to Mr Waldron.

"I don't think the State Government is aware of the pressure of the amount of grain that goes on that road and the amount of tourist travel, not to mention local traffic," Mr Pech said.

"I'd encourage (Mr Nalder) to get in a road train with one of the operators there and go from Pingrup through to Albany."

Mr Pech said it was important for surrounding local governments to continue pushing for funding.

Member for Albany Peter Watson said upgrading the road needed to be an urgent priority.

"The dangers of that section of road are clear," he said.

"With increased truck traffic using it, with cars and tourist caravans, something needs to be done urgently to fix it before more accidents happen."

A Main Roads WA spokeswoman said the State Government had developed a number of future improvement projects for the major grain route, including a realignment of the Amelup Curves section.

The spokeswoman said funding for the proposed improvement work was being sourced.