Jury deliberates in ex-pilot’s murder trial

Jurors in the double-murder trial of former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn have been asked to retire and reach verdict. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Luis Enrique Ascui

Jurors in the trial of former Jetstar captain Greg Lynn have been asked to retire and deliberate verdicts on two murder charges.

Gregory Stuart Lynn, 57, is facing trial after pleading not guilty to murdering Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73, while on a camping trip in the remote Alpine National Park.

Shortly after 12.30pm, the six men and six women who will decide the case were sent out by Justice Michael Croucher to begin their deliberations.

“With all that said I now ask you to go out and consider your verdicts,” the Supreme Court judge said.

“Off you go.”

Mr Lynn has claimed the pair died tragic accidental deaths not of his choosing. Picture: Supplied
Mr Lynn has claimed the pair died tragic accidental deaths not of his choosing. Picture: Supplied

Earlier, two male jurors were removed from the jury in a random ballot process.

At the start of the five-week trial, Justice Croucher empanelled 15 jurors to ensure the case could continue should the unexpected occur — one juror was later discharged in the second week after falling ill.

Justice Croucher began delivering his charge to the jury on Thursday — summing up the case and advisings jurors of the issues to decided and relevant legal principles.

He advised that both parties had agreed alternative charges of manslaughter would be withdrawn from their consideration.

“Manslaughter will no longer be available to you as an alternative charge,” he said.

“If you are not satisfied of murder, there will be no basis for an alternative verdict of manslaughter.”

Outlining the prosecution and defence cases, Justice Croucher said prosecutors alleged Mr Lynn murdered Mr Hill in unknown circumstances and through unknown means in the evening of March 20, 2020, likely following an argument over Mr Hill’s drone.

Mr Lynn then allegedly murdered Mrs Clay by shooting her in the head as a witness to the first slaying, he said.

Carol Clay and Russell Hill vanished in March 2020, their remains were discovered 20 months later. Picture: Supplied.
Carol Clay and Russell Hill vanished in March 2020, their remains were discovered 20 months later. Picture: Supplied.

On the defence case, Justice Croucher said, Mrs Clay died due to the accidental discharge of Mr Lynn’s shotgun as the two men wrestled for control of the weapon.

Mr Hill then attacked Mr Lynn with a knife, falling on the blade as the two men struggled.

Justice Croucher said both parties agree Mr Lynn took a series of steps to hide his involvement in the deaths, including cleaning and burning the campsite, disposing of the bodies only to return eight months later to incinerate them and painting his car and trailer.

He said prosecutors were asking the jury to accept these actions could only be reasonably explained by Mr Lynn’s knowledge he had murdered the pair.

More than 2000 bone fragments were discovered in late 2021 at the base of a fallen tree off the Union Spur track near Dargo. Picture: Supplied/ Supreme Court of Victoria.
More than 2000 bone fragments were discovered in late 2021 at the base of a fallen tree off the Union Spur track near Dargo. Picture: Supplied/ Supreme Court of Victoria.

Defence on the other hand, Justice Croucher said, argued that all available evidence supported Mr Lynn’s account of two accidental deaths, and his actions were the result of panic and fear he would be wrongly blamed.

“Mr Dann (Mr Lynn’s barrister) submits the prosecution are asking you to fill in the gaps with speculation,” he said.

Justice Croucher told the jury their job was not to punish Mr Lynn for the “terrible and selfish” actions he had admitted to but to impartially judge if the prosecution had proven the four elements of murder for each death beyond reasonable doubt.

He said Mr Lynn was to be presumed innocent and for the jury to think two accidental deaths was improbable, was “fundamentally flawed”.

The trial continues.