'Secret Santa' pays off $18,500 in layby Christmas gifts

A generous shopper in the US has helped lighten the holiday financial load for several families by paying off their layby bills on toys destined for under the Christmas tree.

On Friday, man who identified himself as Charlie K headed to a Toys 'R' Us in New Jersey, US, with his son.

Instead of just picking up toys for his little boy, Charlie paid for 60 layby orders — adding up to 8,000 toys worth $18,500.

The dad told CBS3 he wanted to give back to the community that has given him so much.

“I’m trying to bring some happiness to people, to the community that brought happiness to me and my family,” Charlie K told CBS3.

“I love this community, and I am trying to provide back to it.”

A man known only as Charlie K paid off 62 Toys
A man known only as Charlie K paid off 62 Toys

He didn’t stop at the layby orders, either. He also had everyone in the store pick out three toys to donate to Toys for Tots, a non-profit run by the United States Marines that donates toys to kids in need.

This time of year is often teeming with stories about good Samaritans, or as some may call them, Santa’s helpers. Last year an anonymous shopper under the pseudonym “Santa B” paid for $60,750 in layby items at a Pennsylvania Walmart.

Charlie K said he had never donated like this before.

A woman whose layby had been paid had $75 on her balance for an Xbox for her grandson.

She said she recently quit her job due to surgery complications and was worried about how she would pay the balance.