Nasty note left on 'selfish' driver's windscreen after parking faux pas

A colourful note left on a driver’s windshield has sparked conversation on social media about considerate parking.

The note had apparently been spotted in Sydney’s inner-west suburb of Newtown by a member of a local Facebook group.

She decided to share a photo of the note with the caption: “The articulation of a Newtownian.”

The curious note was written in block letters and said: “I am a f***wit taking up two (2) parking spots. I am a f***wit.”

It seems the author of the note wanted to drum the message home – twice.

The note spotted on the windshield, in Sydney's Newtown, was scribbled in green marker and read "I am a f***wit, taking up two parking spots".
The note was spotted in Newtown on an apparently poorly parked car. Source: Facebook/Getty stock

The woman’s Facebook post led to one person admitting they were “guilty of the notes, although not the profanities”.

“We've only got parking on one side of the street, and it pisses me [off] to no end when locals... do it [take up two parking spaces],” one man said.

“Selfish gits like that are my biggest bug bear,” a second Facebook user said.

Another man said he was glad he did not own a car.

“Couldn't deal with the anxiety of constantly having to compete for scarce inner city public space to store it in,” he wrote in the comments.

The poster of the photo also clarified it was not her car and she was just a witness to the profanity-filled note.

“Note: I am a by-stander. Don’t park like a f wit (sic), nor have anger issues,” the original poster stated.

Others in the group seemed amused by the repetitiveness of the note.

“So we know the person who wrote it was some kind of a solicitor,” a poster joked.

Yahoo News Australia was able to confirm if the driver had taken up two spots.

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