Napping Aussie wakes up to surprise 'friend' in her bed

She woke up after feeling something 'jump' on her and 'paws crawling' up her leg.

A young Aussie woke up to find herself sharing a bed with a new furry friend on Thursday after leaving her door open while taking a short evening nap.

Rachel Olivia lives and works on Wop-pa (Great Keppel Island), just off the coast of Yeppoon, Queensland, and had left the door to her yurt open when she had gone to sleep. "I live in a Yurt with no aircon so it gets quite hot," she told Yahoo News Australia. "So I left my door open whilst I took a nap around 7pm".

Jolted awake after feeling something "jump" on her and "paws crawling" up her leg, Rachel got out the torch on her phone and then realised what it was.

Left image is a photo of Rachel's concerned face after waking up. She has blonde hair pulled back and blue eyes. Right image shows her legs under the covers in bed with a possum sitting on top.
Rachel awoke to something 'jump' on her and the feeling of 'paws' crawling on her leg. Source: TikTok

Rachel was looking at what appeared to be an Australian Brushtail possum, which is known to be found on the island according to Parks and Forests, Queensland.

"After us staring at each other equally confused, it walked itself across me and into my nightstand where it sat for a few minutes before walking out the door," Rachel told Yahoo while laughing.

Hilarious encounter captured on video

The possum interaction may have only lasted minutes but Rachel was able to get a short video of their exchange which she shared online. Since then, thousands have labelled the marsupial "cute" and a "friend" while some even believe it may have been looking for a "cuddle".

"I think all my problems would be solved if I woke up to a possum looking for a cuddle," one person said in response. "Genuinely one of the funniest things I've watched in a while — the fear and confusion," another added.

Brushtail possums are native to Australia

Though some consider common possums, like brushtails or ringtails, to be pests — they are actually a native species. Brushtail possums specifically are marsupials and are about the size of a house cat.

Due to being found in urban areas often, ABC Pest Control Warren Bailey previously told Yahoo that you can safely deter them from your home by getting a one-way door, which allows the possum to leave the area and prevent it from re-entering, and you can call a professional to block off the entry points.

If you see an injured possum, contact your local council or wildlife rescuer.

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