Moscow postman arrested over links to sick 'Blue Whale' suicide game

WARNING: This article deals with suicide and could be triggering for some readers.

A Russian postman has been accused of being an "administrator" of the sick "Blue Whale" online suicide game.

Moscow man Ilya Sidorov, 26, has reportedly confessed to creating the social media game, that allegedly encouraged young people to participate in a series of increasingly risky dares, eventually ending in their own suicide.

Police have reportedly questioned Sidorov over claims he allegedly instructed a 13-year-old girl to jump under a train. The girl was hospitalised.

It’s allegedly Sidorov had previously tasked her with outlining “Blue Whale” on her arm and allegedly inflicting self-harm.

It’s further claimed when he was questioned by police he admitted to “administrating” the social media game.

“The suspect clarified that he is the administrator of a so-called suicide group that had 32 members, all of them underage,” the spokeswoman said.

“He assigned them tasks aimed at injuring themselves in order to incite suicide.”

The arrests were made over alleged links to the creation of the 'Blue Whale' suicide game. Photo: Yahoo US
The arrests were made over alleged links to the creation of the 'Blue Whale' suicide game. Photo: Yahoo US

Sidorov faces charges relating to inciting the young girl’s death.

Phones, a computer and several SIM cards have been seized as evidence, according to the New York Times.

Another man, Philipp Budeikin, 21, has also been detained, charged over allegedly encouraging 16 schoolgirls to commit suicide.

The name “Blue Whale” reportedly comes from the way whales appear to beach themselves deliberately.

The game has reportedly led to suicide attempts in Russia, Spain, Portugal, France and Britain.

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