Melbourne man charged over bizarre find hidden inside his underwear

Police arrested the 31-year-old over fire-related offences, but quickly turned their attention to what was down his pants.

Police in Victoria who arrested a man on Sunday over a string of alleged fire offences were left scratching their heads after a body search led them to a truly puzzling discovery inside his underwear.

The 31-year-old man, who police say has no fixed address, was apprehended in Frankston on Sunday night and charged with a number of offences allegedly linked to 12 deliberately lit fires in the area at the weekend, including one behind a school and others at a shop car park and loading dock.

After officers conducted a body search of the man on Sunday, they allegedly found two live ducklings concealed in his underwear. No explanation was provided by police regarding the man's reasoning for burying the animals in his crotch.

Park Lane in Frankston.
Police who arrested a Melbourne man in Frankston over fire-related offences quickly turned their attention to what he had allegedly concealed in his underwear. Source: Google Maps/ Getty

Man charged with fire and animal cruelty offences

He was charged with reckless conduct endangering serious injury, four counts of lighting a fire in the open air, possessing anything with intent to destroy or damage property, negligently dealing with proceeds of crime and possession of a controlled weapon.

As a result of the search he was subsequently charged with packing an animal in a manner or position which subjects, or is likely to subject, it to unnecessary pain or suffering under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

A group of seven duckings are seen on a footpath.
The ducklings were surrendered to police. Source: AP.

Police have revealed they expect the 31-year-old to face further charges in relation to the fires.

He has been kept in custody and will appear before Frankston Magistrates’ Court.

Investigations continue.

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