Melbourne home sprayed with bullets as father foils home invaders

A family in Melbourne has been terrorised by a gang of thugs who fired a shot into their lounge room during an attempted robbery, with a bullet narrowly missing a teenager.

Stunned and bruised, Andrew Lyons can’t believe he wasn’t killed on Saturday night. His house in Cranbourne was riddled with bullet holes when he opened his door to a gang of four men, one pointing a gun at him.

"He was holding it (scoped rifle) quite tight and was looking down because he was quite tall,” Mr Lyons recalled.

Another grabbed his throat and punched him before Mr Lyons managed to escape and lock the door.

Andrew Lyons said the gunman pointed the rifle down at his head before he managed to escape and lock the door. Source: 7 News
Andrew Lyons said the gunman pointed the rifle down at his head before he managed to escape and lock the door. Source: 7 News
Their Cranbourne home was riddled with bullets. Source: 7 News
Their Cranbourne home was riddled with bullets. Source: 7 News

He then ran to shield his daughter and her friends as the gunman opened fire, spraying the living room with bullets.


“I just ran straight to the kids’ room and locked the door and then ran to my daughter’s room,” Mr Lyons said.

A 17-year-old friend of Mr Lyons’ daughter was lucky to escape with his life after a bullet narrowly missed him as he sat on the couch.

“Dad came running in and told us all to get inside. Then I heard what I thought was fireworks, but ended up being gunshots,” Jade Lyons told 7 News.

The father-of-three said they could have been after his prized Holden Caprice. Source: 7 News
The father-of-three said they could have been after his prized Holden Caprice. Source: 7 News

The four men were all wearing hooded tops and were hiding there faces, after the shooting they jumped into a dark SUV and sped off.

“They were dressed as what people would describe as Apex with their hoodies all done up,” he said.

Victoria Police Detective Senior Constable Andrew Walker said he believed it was “an unprovoked and unpredicted attack and the offenders are unidentified at this point”.

The father-of-three said he believed they may have been after his modified Holden Caprice.

Today's top news stories - March 20