Matt Wright vs The Python

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It was great to shoot another story for Sunday Night and a pleasure to catch up with Samantha Armytage again. My new series on Nat Geo Wild is very exciting for me. Here is a snapshot of two upcoming episodes:

Location: Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.

One night, on the way home after setting croc traps, I came across this large reticulated python crossing the road. I was stoked to find him out like this, and jumped out of the car, but as soon as I grabbed him, the lights from the car blinded me so I could not see her head - she spun around, mouth wide open and tried to lock on and only just missed me!

Then, the crews' cameras were fogged up and not working, so they’re telling me to take five - you can hardly take five when dealing with a pissed off 13 foot snake.

II was having a hell of a time trying to get hold of the snake so I had to grab the sound recordist’s boom pole so I could hold the snake's head down - it got quiet interesting at one point. I think that makes the best moments, when you are unprepared and caught off guard and have to work with what’s around you.

But just like with any animal: “read them right and stay focused,” you’ll get them where you want them. In that case I wanted him tied safely in a bag!

All in all, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo was a great trip and I can’t wait to get back to lend a hand again sometime!

Outback Wrangler – National Geographic Wild Channel
Airs in Australia: 4th October