Mates hit road for good cause

Twenty-five motorbikes and three cars took to the Goldfields Highway last weekend to raise awareness about depression and suicide prevention.

Organised by not-for-profit group Mates 4 Mates Goldfields, the Broken Bucket Dice Ride raised $3000.

President Kathy Nikolaenko said it was a great success.

“The weather on Saturday was a bit warm, but our guys still hit that long black road to Leonora,” Ms Nikolaenko said. “All monies raised will be going back into our community to man a volunteer centre.”

The ride left Loopline Park on Saturday, stopping for a lunch break in Menzies.

Ms Nikolaenko said the group would host the event again next year and also join the Black Dog Ride for The One Day National Ride from Kalgoorlie-Boulder to Esperance on March 23.