Man sent sex toys to 12yo girl in US

William Glen Fissenden pleaded guilty to child abuse allegations in the Brisbane Supreme Court. Picture: Supplied
William Glen Fissenden pleaded guilty to child abuse allegations in the Brisbane Supreme Court. Picture: Supplied

A Queensland man who was previously convicted for sending sex toys to a 12-year-old girl in the US and receiving her nude photos has pleaded guilty to fresh child abuse allegations.

William Glen Fissenden, 24, pleaded guilty in the Brisbane District Court on Friday to 21 offences, including indecent treatment of a child under 16 and making and distributing child exploitation material.

William Glen Fissenden plead guilty to child abuse in the Brisbane Supreme Court. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled

Fissenden also pleaded guilty to one count of using electronic communication to procure a child under 16 with the circumstance of aggravation.

Fissenden, who remains in custody, appeared in the dock to enter his pleas of guilty to all 21 charges in bulk on Friday.

Crown prosecutor Christopher Cook said the pleas were accepted by his office.

Fissenden was sentenced in November 2019 for a string of child abuse charges, including distributing and possessing child exploitation material and making child pornography.

Fissenden had pleaded guilty in 2019 after he’d requested and received naked photos and indecent videos of a 12-year-old girl in the US.

Man in front of computer. Dark night room with smoke
Fissenden had previously been sentenced for child exploitation. Picture: Supplied

He had also bought sex toys and had them delivered to her home.

At the time, police found 2778 files of exploitation material on the devices owned by Fissenden seized as part of the investigation.

He was given a head sentence of two years in prison but was released immediately, as he had spent 685 days in pre-sentence custody.

Fissenden was ordered to serve an operational period of five years, including three years under the supervision of Corrective Services.

He will be sentenced for these latest offences before the Brisbane District Court on February 21, 2024.