Man locked girlfriend in concrete pit for eight months because witch doctor said 'it would make him rich'

WARNING, DISTRESSING: Disturbing footage has emerged of a young woman who was allegedly held prisoner in a concrete pit for eight months.

Tanzanian police discovered the woman at a remote village in the country last week.

The rescue followed a tip-off from a suspicious neighbour that someone was being held captive.

The woman was found chained to a wall inside a concrete pit. Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube
The woman was found chained to a wall inside a concrete pit. Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube

Reports suggest a Tanzanian man had locked up his girlfriend in the pit, following advice from a local witch doctor.

He was allegedly told if he ‘wanted to become rich’ he had to bury the person he loved most.

Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube
Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube

According to Buzz Kenya, the man then built the concrete cave and used a plank to cover the ceiling.

The woman, believed to be in her 20s, was chained to a wall inside the underground prison.

Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube
Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube

It’s reported she was left naked and fed twice a week.

It’s a miracle she survived as her back muscles fused together and she will need months of rehabilitation, Buzz Kenya reported.

Footage of the chilling rescue was shared on social media.

Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube
Photo: Mr Weirdo YouTube

It shows local police and neighbours crowd around the entry to the pit as they question the woman about what had happened to her.

The boyfriend has since been arrested.