Man charged after cat throwing video emerges on social media

WARNING – DISTRESSING CONTENT: A 21-year-old man has been charged with cruelty to animals after shocking footage emerged of a cat being launched from a driveway.

Kyle Martin Smith was filmed picking up the cat that he found on the driveway of the home in Box Elder County, Utah.

The footage, which was shared on social media shows the 21-year-old throw the cat over a car into the distance.

The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office said Smith admitted to throwing the cat but said he didn’t know he was being filmed at the time.

Kyle Martin Smith was filmed launching the cat from the Utah driveway. Source: Fox 13 News
Kyle Martin Smith was filmed launching the cat from the Utah driveway. Source: Fox 13 News
Smith admitted that he was the person pictured in the video. Source: Fox 13 News
Smith admitted that he was the person pictured in the video. Source: Fox 13 News

“His statement was he had been playing with the cat and did not know that he was being filmed at the time; the impulse came upon him to pick up and throw the cat,” sheriff’s officials wrote.

“He added that the cat was not injured.”

Smith has been charged with cruelty to animals and a Class B misdemeanor.

It comes as a Queensland man who threw a cat over a fence at a neighbour’s house was spared a fine and conviction at Ipswich Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

Samuel Conroy, 19, was ordered to do 120 hours of community service and handed a 12 months’ probation period.

He was also banned from owning a pet for five years and must pay $1100 in legal costs.