Man arrested for ‘impersonating a police officer’ in east London


A man has been arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer in east London after concerns were raised on social media.

Reports on social media claimed a man had been spotted with a baton, a pair of handcuffs and a set of blue lights in his car across Rainham.

A witness told The Standard a man, pretending to be an officer had approached her and her husband.

She said: “This man came speeding up in his car with blue lights in his dashboard and headlights. He stopped all the traffic and then came at my husband with a cosh and went to hit my husband over the head.

“My husband started recording after he said he was a police officer, when the man realised my husband was recording he chucked the cosh back into his car and turned off the blue lights.”

She added: “My husband asked him questions about his badge number and name but the man refused to give the information. He then said he was not a police officer. When challenged about the blue lights the man couldn’t answer and only said there was no law for carrying cuffs.”

A Met spokesman said: “On Monday, 15 May police arrested a 49-year-old man on suspicion of impersonating a police officer.

“This follows reports made to police raising concerns, including on social media, about a man acting in a manner in the Rainham area which may lead people to believe he was a police officer.

“Enquiries into the circumstances remains ongoing.”