Major lockdown change as NSW reaches vax milestone on deadly day

  • Curfew ends in 12 Sydney LGAs

  • Covid-positive person visited three NSW towns

  • 1,259 new cases in NSW, 12 deaths

The curfew for people living in the 12 Sydney LGAs of concern will be lifted from tonight after NSW reached the milestone of 80 per cent of those 16 years and above receiving one dose of a Covid vaccine.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced the change to restrictions while reporting the state has recorded 1,259 new cases of coronavirus and 12 more deaths.

Premier Berejiklian urged people not to be complacent.

"We've seen a stabilisation in the last few days and we don't want to see that trend go the wrong way," she said.

"We still have work to do. We can all see the light at the end of the tunnel but we still have work to do."

NSW Police patrol Manly Beach in Sydney, Australia.
Police patrol Manly Beach over the weekend. Source: Getty Images

The premier said lifting the curfew was a whole-of-government decision based on a number of factors after the 80 per cent first-dose mark was reached.

"We can't move on anything else just now," she said.

"We need everybody to hold the line."

Under the NSW government's roadmap, vaccinated people will be released from lockdown when the state reaches 70 per cent double-dose coverage - expected in about a month.

Covid-positive person visited three NSW towns

Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant urged people living in Wagga Wagga, Young and Mudgee to be vigilant in monitoring for Covid-19 symptoms.

It's after health authorities found a Covid-19 case which had visited the three towns.

"We've confirmed that through the testing increase in that site that we've identified a person who has been infectious in that community," Dr Chant said.

She added of the 12 people who died two were in their 50s, three in their 60s, three in their 70s, two in their 80s and one in their 90s. Another death was a woman in her 30s.

Ten of the 12 who died were unvaccinated. One had received a single vaccine dose. The man in his 90s was fully vaccinated but had underlying health conditions.

Dr Chant said none of the others were fully vaccinated and 234 people with Covid are in the state's ICUs.

with AAP

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