'Lost for words': Diver's disturbing discovery off coast

A diver has made a disturbing discovery on the seabed off the coast of southern Spain.

Biologist and conservationist Alberto Manuel Artero Cabezas, 26, filmed a video showing a shocking amount of plastics and other waste littering the sea around Ali Beach in Alicante.

The video shows large quantities of plastics, fishing equipment and other waste blanketing the seabed.

Source: Newsflash/Australscope
The diver chose to film the litter to raise awareness of the issue. Source: Newsflash/Australscope

“The situation was very surprising. I didn’t go there to film a dirty seabed, I wanted to record the marine life as I have done a few times before,” he told Newsflash.

“However, I was lost for words when I saw the huge quantities of baby wipes, plastic and other waste.”


“The first thing you want to do is get out of the sea immediately, but I chose to stay to film it.”

Source: Newsflash/Australscope
The litter was blanketing the seabed off the coast of Spain. Source: Newsflash/Australscope

Mr Cabezas told Newsflash that he also came across a large number of tossed face masks and gloves in the sea and shoreline.

He accompanied the Instagram video, viewed 120,000 times, with the message: “This is unacceptable, we have to raise awareness of what’s happening in our seas.”

“I could not believe this in my own hometown. We have to change, we cannot continue to destroy the environment this way.

Source: Newsflash/Australscope
The diver urged people to look after the planet. Source: Newsflash/Australscope

“No one will save the planet for us, and we are running out of time. We are responsible of our own actions, just think twice before doing something that will harm the planet we live on, like throwing things down the toilet or littering the beach.

“Let’s change our mindset and create a ‘new normal’. It is the only way we can give nature a chance to recover.”


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