Long faces as caravan park bids Fuzzy adieu

Fuzzy was well-known in Wyndham. Picture: Mareike Ceranna

Wyndham Caravan Park's resident donkey, Fuzzy, has died after more than 10 years of wandering the facility, both delighting and startling guests.

Park manager Sharyn Bermingham said Fuzzy would do the rounds almost every morning, sticking his head into people's caravans and tents to say hello.

She said the comical donkey would sometimes "go over to the dongas and try to turn the door handles" in hope of finding a treat or a pat on the head.

"I remember one woman trying to chase him out of her van with a broom," she said.

"I'd get phone calls in the night from backpackers who were scared. They'd say: 'There's a donkey outside our tent, is that normal'."

While his younger years are somewhat unclear, Ms Bermingham said she thought Fuzzy was a baby when he was saved from a donkey cull at Flora Valley and brought to Wyndham.

He spent a number of years with the Cavanagh family at Wyndham Crocodile Farm.

The park announced Fuzzy's death through their Facebook page last month and admirers quickly began to express their dismay.

"Oh no! Poor Fuzzy. My favourite memory is walking out my front door and he was right there under our tree eating the lawn," one wrote.

"He ate our paper signs that we were using to advertise tix for the Stars on the Bastion," another wrote.

The Wyndham Caravan Park adopted another baby donkey in November, Billy, who Ms Bermingham said was continuing Fuzzy's legacy by visiting guests.