Lightning hits alcohol factory and causes 'firenado'

Bourbon manufacturer Jim Beam is facing damages following a series of unfortunate events so bizarre that they beggar belief.

One of the label's plants in Kentucky, North America was recently damaged in a lightning storm that caused hundreds of thousands of litres of bourbon to leak into a nearby lake.

The alcohol resting on the surface of the water then caught alight when a small 'firenado', a tornado that picked up flames from the strike, swept over it, according to The Weather Channel.

The incident was captured on film and has drawn millions of views on social media.

Jim Beam is facing damages for polluting the lake.


Incredible video as emerged of flash flooding in the US, torrential rain and heavy hail turned streets into rivers before a sinkhole opened, draining the water underground.

Hurricane Ana was on course Saturday to miss Hawaii by more than a hundred miles but was generating high waves, strong winds and heavy rains that prompted flash-flood warnings throughout the islands.

Surveillance cameras capture floodwaters barrelling into Good Samaritan Hospital cafeteria in Nebraska.

Heavy rain continued hitting Houston and Southeast Texas Friday, with flash flood watches issued through the evening.

Amateur footage shot after an afternoon downpour in southern Nevada captures the power of flash floodwaters. Doug Bennett's video shows him screaming for people to get out of the way as the two vehicles float downstream.