Life insurance Company used google ads words to capitlise on MH17 disaster

An Australian company has been caught red-handed using the Malaysia Airlines MH17 disaster to promote its life insurance policies.

The Lisa Group based in Victoria purchased the Google keywords "Malaysia Airlines" mere hours after the flight was initially shot down in the eastern part of Ukraine, just 300 meters from the Russian border.

It was a tragedy that caused the loss of 298 people lives, including 28 Australians.

The advertisements were quickly recognized as a blatant marketing strategy which sought to use the large online traffic to increase profits

Adverts including the lines "Is MH17 Malaysia Airlines tragedy a sign to consider life insurance?" appeared above news stories in Google listings

The company's website also carried the following promotion prior to the number of Australian killed being confirmed to 28.

"Up to 27 Australians were among 298 people on board a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet which was shot down over Ukraine with the loss of all on board.”

"Is it another sign to consider life insurance? #PrayForMH17."

The promotion has since been removed.

Lisa Group has since issued an apology, blaming an overseas partner company for its actions.