‘Legal rape’ group leader Daryush 'Roosh' Valizadeh calls in police over death threats

The man calling for rape to be legalised on private property has called the police in after receiving death threats from round the world following his family's home address being published on Twitter.

Self proclaimed pick-up artist Daryush 'Roosh' Valizadeh has come against a backlash of anger this week for his views on rape.

Daryush Valizadeh posted this on Twitter after his family's home address was released by a group called We Are Anonymous. Photo: Twitter
Daryush Valizadeh posted this on Twitter after his family's home address was released by a group called We Are Anonymous. Photo: Twitter

New photographs of him have emerged from the Daily Mail in a dark coloured T-shirt talking to a police officer at his mum's home, where he lives in the basement in Silver Spring, Maryland.

He reportedly played officers voicemails containing threats, such as: 'We will kill you if you come to our city'.

Mr Valizadeh was forced to cancel his scheduled meetings across the world this week because of fears for the safety and privacy of Return of Kings members.

Prior to cancelling his appearances Mr Valizadeh said that he wanted to 'humiliate' Australia and in no way questioned the product he was bringing to the country.

The Return of Kings group leader had planned a series of "tribal meetings" across Australia and the world but their plans have been scuppered by feminist and opposition groups that planned to protest.

The international "neo-masculinist" group has courted controversy for its negative views of women and for advocating for rape of women to be legalised on private property.

Amid warnings from authorities that they were not welcome and announcements on Thursday about protests by feminist groups, the location details for Saturday's tribal meetings were hidden on the group's website and replaced by two email addresses.

On Thursday afternoon Mr Valizadeh posted a statement on his website cancelling the events.

He has told his followers: "I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6.

"I apologise to all the supporters who are let down by my decision."

Mr Valizadeh was working to make the meetings private, as protest groups began popping up on Facebook advertising the locations and organising rallies.

Some on social media believe the cancellation announcement is only an attempt to cover up the meetings.

"My feeling is that this is just an attempt to meet quietly, without protest or media snapping pictures of those who attend," Celeste Rochelle said on Facebook.

Meetings by Return of Kings were due to take place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and dozens of locations around the world for 8pm on February 6.

According to Mr Valizadeh's website, a woman's value "significantly depends on her fertility and beauty. A man's value significantly depends on his resources, intellect, and character".

Return of the Kings has over 12,500 likes on Facebook and Valizadeh says the gatherings are for "male bonding".