La Ronge Canadian Rangers, RCMP combine forces to pull woman, dog from icy lake

Canadian Rangers from La Ronge move in to rescue a woman and her dog after the car they were travelling in fell through ice near La Ronge, Sask., on Feb. 2. (Photo Credit: Canadian Ranger Jim Searson, La Ronge Canadian Ranger Patrol, 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group - image credit)
Canadian Rangers from La Ronge move in to rescue a woman and her dog after the car they were travelling in fell through ice near La Ronge, Sask., on Feb. 2. (Photo Credit: Canadian Ranger Jim Searson, La Ronge Canadian Ranger Patrol, 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group - image credit)

A woman and her dog were rescued from the top of her car after it fell through thin ice on a frozen lake thanks to the combined efforts of the RCMP and a cohort of Canadian Rangers.

The incident began when La Ronge RCMP received a report just before 4 p.m. on Feb. 2 that a vehicle had fallen through the ice in a remote location on Lac La Ronge, the Mounties said in a news release.

Officers were able to make contact with the driver, who advised she was sitting on the roof of the half-submerged vehicle with her dog. The Mounties used a remote piloted aircraft to locate the vehicle, and then asked the 4th Canadian Rangers Patrol Group for assistance.

The rangers arrived at the scene with specialized equipment, including dry suits, personal flotation devices and a canoe.

La Ronge Canadian Rangers and RCMP officers worked together on February 2, 2024, to rescue a woman and her dog from an icy lake near La Ronge, Saskatchewan after the car they were traveling in broke through the ice.
La Ronge Canadian Rangers and RCMP officers worked together on February 2, 2024, to rescue a woman and her dog from an icy lake near La Ronge, Saskatchewan after the car they were traveling in broke through the ice.

Canadian Rangers and La Ronge RCMP officers gather for a group photo after rescuing a woman and her dog after the car they were travelling in broke through lake ice. (Photo Credit: Warrant Officer Trevor Grant, Junior Canadian Ranger Instructor, 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group)

The leader of the rangers, Chief Warrant Officer James Vogl, said "both the woman and her dog [were] visibly shaken but stable, received immediate first aid and were transported to the large health centre … for further evaluation."

Vogl said the "success of this rescue underscores the vital importance of the interoperability of the Canadian Rangers supporting the RCMP when requested. It's all through collaborative efforts. Both organizations effectively contributed to saving lives, demonstrating the significant impact of working together."

Sgt. Derek Eberle of the La Ronge RCMP agreed.

"This is an excellent example of safety partners working quickly and seamlessly together in an emergency where rescue time was of the absolute essence. This interoperability is so important — even potentially life-saving in situations like this.

"We're grateful to the Rangers for their continued partnership. Their local knowledge and expertise are a tremendous asset to the La Ronge RCMP and the community in general. We're also happy that the woman and her dog — though they had a very scary experience — are safe and sound."

La Ronge RCMP used a drone to find the woman and her dog that were stranded on top of her car.
La Ronge RCMP used a drone to find the woman and her dog that were stranded on top of her car.

La Ronge RCMP used a drone to find the woman and her dog that were stranded on top of her car. (Photo Credit: La Ronge RCMP Detachment)

La Ronge RCMP detachment found the woman and her dog in a remote area of the lake by using a drone.
La Ronge RCMP detachment found the woman and her dog in a remote area of the lake by using a drone.

La Ronge RCMP detachment found the woman and her dog in a remote area of the lake by using a drone. (Photo Credit: La Ronge RCMP Detachment)