Kids play centre removes bathroom sign after 'sexist' complaint: 'Bit of fun'

Tiddlywinks Dance and Play centre in Brisbane confirmed to Yahoo on Thursday the sign had since been removed.

Left, the sign in the boys' bathroom listing the ways to 'please a woman' and 'please a man'. Right, the owner of the Tiddlywinks Dance centre respond's to the man's complaint in a message. Source: Reddit
Tiddlywinks Dance and Play centre in Brisbane confirmed to Yahoo on Thursday the sign a man found in their boys' bathroom had since been removed. Source: Reddit

An Aussie kids centre has taken down what some have deemed a “very inappropriate” and “sexist” sign found hanging in its boys' bathroom. Tiddlywinks Dance and Play centre in Brisbane confirmed to Yahoo News on Thursday the decor was removed following a customer’s complaint over the weekend.

A man attending his niece’s birthday party at the facility said he was prompted to take a photo of the sign and alert staff working there over its bizarre messaging. He explained he also shared the image taken in the bathroom “being used by 5-12 year old boys” with other parents and “sent a follow-up email”.

The sign in question lists several ways “to please a woman”, including “love her”, “die for her”, “miss the game for her” and “be interested in what she has to say”. At the bottom, it states “How to please a man: Show up naked, bring beer”.

The shocked customer described the verbiage as “very inappropriate” and argued kids using the toilets would be able to understand the context.

The man said the centre’s owner “replied [to my complaint] saying nobody had ever mentioned” the decor in the 15 years it has been hung on the wall.

“A kid may be able to read it, however would have no concept of the meaning,” a screenshot of the business’s message says. “I’m aware of the sign — consider it gone. We open at night for adults and it’s just a bit of fun,” the owner continued, adding they didn’t mean to offend anyone.

The customer said the venue didn’t strike him as a place adults would frequent but was pleased the sign had ultimately been removed.

Kids at a Christmas concert at Tiddlywinks Dance and Play centre.
Tiddlywinks Dance and Play Centre, which hosts indoor discos, said it didn't mean to cause any offence with the sign. Source: Facebook/Tiddlywinks Dance and Play centre

After the image was posted online, it attracted hundreds of reactions with some calling it “gross” and “creepy”. “This is bulls**t messaging for young men. Pull it down and put it in the bin where it belongs,” one person urged.

“Creepily inappropriate for any bathroom to be honest. This type of backwards ass thinking really can’t be considered acceptable anymore,” someone else said.

“This type of humour is the male equivalent of live laugh love,” another person chimed in, referring to the phrase that became popular in the 2000s.

However, numerous others joked they took more offence over the sign’s different fonts.

“Whoever thought those three different fonts were a good idea…you’re wrong! Bad choice,” an irritated social media user commented, while others joked that if a woman is “pleased after you die for [then] she is probably the wrong woman”.

“[I don’t know] man I think DYING for her is a bit above the average. The rest of it is just kinda basic stuff though,” one person wrote.

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