Jane Seymour having 'more wonderful' sex than ever

Jane Seymour has a great connection with John Zambetti credit:Bang Showbiz
Jane Seymour has a great connection with John Zambetti credit:Bang Showbiz

Jane Seymour is having "more wonderful and passionate" sex than ever at the age of 72.

The 'Live and Let Die' actress - who has been married four times in the past - is currently dating John Zambetti and has found intimacy with him to be better than in her previous relationships because of the "trust" between them.

In an essay for Cosmopolitan's Sex After 60 digital issue, she wrote: "Sex right now is more wonderful and passionate than anything I ever remember because it is built on trust, love, and experience.

"I now know myself and my body, and John has had his own experiences in his life -- it's not like when you're younger...

"The older I get, the more sex is built on emotional intimacy, on having shared the ups and downs of life with someone -- our feelings, our joys, our sadness, our mutual passions, and desire."

Jane insisted getting older doesn't mean a person's sex life needs to "end".

She wrote: "After 60, you come to realise that intimacy can also be self-serving...

"Sure, loving touch changes according to what abilities you have physically as you age, but it's certainly not something you give up just because you're a certain age. Your sex life doesn't need to end at 60.

"At the end of the day, everyone is looking for something that puts blood into a certain area. When you can figure that out, well, you're going to be a happy camper. (And bonus: You're not going to get pregnant, right?)"

The 'Wedding Crashers' star noted there is a "stigma" around sex and aging but she has realised that "life can only get better when you are open-minded and you listen to your body and to yourself."

She added: "The crazy thing is, right now, I feel like I'm both experienced and 16 years old.

"I truly feel sex and intimacy is better at my age than it ever was before. I actually mean that. And it took being single after my marriages to learn that I don't have to disappear for sex and romance to click."

Jane wasn't looking for love when she met John and she thinks that helped them find the "magic" between them.

She wrote: "When John and I first met, he was encountering me as someone who was happily alone, not eagerly looking. I was at my happiest, surrounded by friends and family...

"John was immediately exposed to who I really am. And so despite my active disinterest in romance at the time, he still appreciated me and the privilege it was to see my life. I let him be part of the gang.

"I never imagined until now that I could be unashamedly who I am without having to worry about what somebody else thinks - especially at 72 when everyone's got baggage and sometimes the joints are not performing or my back is flaring or something mildly arthritic happens.

"But it's important to have a sense of humour about all of that too, because it's life.

"When people fit, they just fit. And when there is love and intimacy as well as a desire to find pleasure for your partner and pleasure for yourself and you can make that all happen in unison, it's magic. Absolute magic, no matter what form it takes."