Influencer’s disturbing words before teen rape

Silhouette photo for The Lost Ones
A social media influencer has been jailed for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

A social media influencer has been jailed for three years after she sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy twice in one night and told him not to tell his father.

The 46-year-old woman, who cannot be identified, was found guilty of two counts of aggravated sexual intercourse with a child under 16 years old following a trial in October last year.

The court heard she had climbed into bed with a 14-year-old boy on an evening in mid-2021 and kissed him.

“Don’t tell your father about this,” the woman told her victim, before taking off his clothes and undressing herself.

The court heard she then forced the teen to engage in oral and penetrative sex.

Silhouette shadow of woman looking at city from office
The woman has been jailed for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy twice.

On Friday, the influencer wore prison greens when she appeared in the NSW District Court via audiovisual link to learn her fate for sexually abusing the teen more than two years ago.

She held back tears as she waved at her family and friends, who crowded the courtroom and maintained blank expressions.

Judge Sarah Hopkins sentenced her to three years behind bars, with a non parole period of 18 months.

She will be eligible for release in less than a year, on February 26, 2025.

The jury found the influencer guilty of engaging in oral sex with the teen before having penile-vaginal sex with him in three different positions.

Only hours before she sexually assaulted the teen, the influencer was filmed performing a “sexually suggestive” dance for him.

In the video shown to the court, she can be seen rubbing her bum, lifting her shirt to reveal her stomach, and twerking in front of the victim.

Judge Hopkins said the 46-year-old appeared to be “very intoxicated” in the video.

The woman told the jury she had drunk one and a half bottles of wine on the night of the rape, while the victim estimated she had consumed twice that amount.

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She beamed into a courtroom in Sydney Downing Centre Court on Friday. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nikki Short

Although she declined to state a figure, Judge Hopkins concluded the influencer had been “intoxicated to a very substantial degree”.

A few days after she snuck into the bed and sexually assaulted him, the court heard the woman told the teen to “just keep this quiet for a bit”.

She told him to throw the incident “in a treasure chest” and “throw it to the bottom of the ocean”, Judge Hopkins said.

When the victim told his mother about the sexual assault a year after it happened, she said he “completely burst into tears”.

“I’ve never seen him cry like that before,” she said.

“It was really bad.”

The victim went with his parents to the police, who obtained a lawful phone tap for his phone.

In a recorded phone call played to the court, the influencer laughingly admitted her attraction to the teen in a tapped phone call.

“I started loving you so much (that) I got it confused, like, I started getting attracted to you,” she told him.

“You’re a man now. You’re not a boy, you’re obviously a man.”

In the call, the influencer confirmed several times that the victim would not tell his father about the late-night sexual attack.

Judge Hopkins characterised the assault as “isolated and unplanned” and noted the woman had low prospects of reoffending.

The rape happened in Sydney more than two years ago.
The rape happened in Sydney more than two years ago.

She accepted the opinion of a psychologist who opined the influencer has a “complex combination of comorbid disorders” which resulted in mood instability, impaired judgement, and substance addiction.

“In all probability, it was symptomatically acute at the time of the offending,” the judge said.

The court heard the influencer had previously sought treatment for an eating disorder, anxiety disorder, and adjustment disorder.

She is likely to remain in protective custody for the remaining time on her sentence due to her profile and the offences she committed.

The woman’s lawyer Bryan Wrench told journalists he will file an appeal against the conviction.